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My Services:

             These are some of the main areas of focus that I use to take                                                your business to it's highest peak. 


One Full Circle Consulting Plan Summary:

  1. Enhance positive relationships between all employees and departments.

  2. Increase employee dedication, motivation and improve performance.

  3. Tighten your logistics process so that it runs efficiently and is more productive.

  4. Increase customer satisfaction to ensure a growth in the bottom line.

  5. Establish and solidify your company's long-range goals and plans for the future.


When these key areas are working in top form, it’s easy to grow the bottom line and manage your business so                                                                that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor – to the fullest.

Sales Formula Bonus:

An increase in sales everyday with no expenses out of pocket ever, using a simple and easy to implement one                                                                                                       step formula.

Every aim in my basic plan is summarized here. However, you can always add your prime areas of focus to the list. The foundation for every healthy business is the same, but each company brings its own unique set of circumstances, desires and goals to the table. 

ONE: Set genuine positive encounters into place between every manager, customer and employee – one person at a time. This IS the lead domino of your business. Every successful step in your logistics process – begins and ends HERE.

Not only does this increase employee and customer satisfaction, it allows the logistics to run smoother every day with greater productivity and less mistakes. When people are relaxed and happy they can accomplish goals easily and effectively in this state of mind. This increases the likelihood of a satisfied store or department manager, as well. A happy employee who feels comfortable will be able to produce more, as well as be dedicated to you – from the inside out. This provides rock-solid security for your company. Every business needs qualified and competent employees they can count on every day. Employees need to be able to count on you, too. So, positive relationships are the very first and last step towards making all of these ends possible.

TWO: A well-staffed department or store is able to handle any logistic effectively. This directly ties into how much satisfaction both employees and customers are able to have. These two happy ends coming together are what’s producing profits for you every single day – period.

When employees work well together, this is the first real step. The second part comes from having the right materials needed to perform their tasks, as well as enough people to handle the busiest flow of customers. While each department can’t be fully staffed – at holiday levels at all times, there should be enough people on the floor in a given department to handle the workload with great accuracy – and without much stress. This guarantees that you are – getting what you pay for – as far as the “cost” of doing business. A cut in pay or an unfair salary to save money in the long-term will not hold water here, as it will break down the emotional and logistical sides of what you are trying to accomplish, financially. Since there are only three categories of your business, this really means that the first two layers are collapsing, and it’s only a matter of time before your bottom line starts falling fast, as well. (Not a very good choice for maximizing your profits.)

THREE: Customers need three things to be satisfied: A Great selection of products that they need, great customer service, at a very fair or good price.

Logistics (or the ability to successfully accomplish a given task repeatedly) is directly affected by how happy employees and customers are. Happiness and the ability to perform well, directly comes from how they relate to each other. Pay, appreciation, a reasonable daily workload, and a process that makes sense are all parts of an equation that works. These components allow employees to enjoy the time they spend completing tasks, and working together as a team. When trust is established, employees have the ability to give 110% because they feel safe and personally invested in who they are working for, and why. This is ultimately what the customer sees and feels during the sales transaction.

It’s the combination of these positive elements that a customer is buying into. So, the emotional and logistical sides of your business need to be in order to deliver this winning “trifecta” to the customers every day, along with the products or services they need or desire. When the employees and customers are happy about their relationships, they will always want to come back for more!

FOUR: When the three prime needs above are taken care of the bottom line is NEVER in question. This means the customers will be thrilled about what they've been given, for their time and money spent with you. 

The only things that would damage the bottom line – with everything running well – is not paying attention to leading market trends or new products that competitors might offer. High prices or high-risk investment plans that dig too deep into funds that are needed to keep your business up and running at smooth and stable levels, will also bring your bottom line down, as well.  

FIVE: As a CEO, Director of Operations, or a member of the Upper Management Team, you simply desire to have the most positive results possible – emotionally, logistically and financially, so that you can keep yourself and everyone involved with your business happy.

With these key ideas in place, your business will run – long-term – in the most efficient, effective way, possible. Knowing that your business has everything in place to produce the positive results you desire, allows you to fully relax into enjoying the fruits of your hard work. In fact, with these four categories satisfied, the business “system” practically runs itself. And that was really the whole idea. This frees up your energy to put directly into any other goals you may have, both in business and in your personal life. It will allow you to fully maintain and enjoy what’s most important to you, without putting anything at risk, and – without the stress!





Growing Sales Everyday With No Expenses Out of Pocket, Ever.

This IS the # 1 Defining Factor That Sets Me Apart From Every Other Consultant.

My formula to grow sales without cost – actually came from the retail sector. It was a direct need that was witnessed first-hand in a major retail company. If this need was addressed, it would have produced 5-12 million dollars of added yearly revenue – without a single dime needed to put this plan into motion. The need or waiting opportunity has been present in a variety of other major retailers since then, as well. So far, the largest annual sales numbers I’ve come up with is an increase of 232 million dollars annually, with no added costs or changes to standard procedures. To my knowledge, this retail idea is – 100% original – and it will produce an increase in sales every day, without anything more than a company-wide memo to properly put this plan into motion.

The best part about my plan is that it can be implemented (in a single day), and it affects every major category of your business in a positive way. It not only boosts sales, but it also enhances employee and customer relationships and overall satisfaction, and it helps to tighten up your logistics process at the same time. So, it's really the whole package – emotionally, logistically and financially. 

That’s why I call my business “ONE FULL CIRCLE CONSULTING.”

Every major part of your business and the sales transaction is improved – from one simple idea that's very easy to put into place...And it immediately raises your bottom line every day, using a sales formula that requires no expenses out of pocket – ever.

This is just the beginning of what we can accomplish working together. After all of your hard work and dedication to take your business to the top – you deserve nothing but the best.

And I look forward to helping you achieve it.


Jeff Sadowski / Founder of One Full Circle Consulting.

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