To the Richest and Most Powerful People on This Planet...You Can Have More.
In your entire life…You’ve only made one mistake. Just one; but it spurned all of the others that followed it. It wasn’t your desire to...
A Toast: To a Refreshing New Year...On Me.
Every New Year, I offer a special to act as a sounding board for your upcoming plans for expansion, or to fix a problem you'd like to...
What's at the Center of ALL of Our Profits?
This Bonus Article is only for the top 1% of the 1%. And, I got “here” to the center of it all – by combining two ideas: One is...
The Point of It All: How Happy Do You Really Want to Be?
If you’re brand new to my blog or you’ve read some of my articles, you’ll notice that they involve business (of course) in some way. But,...
What was Business Like...Before the Split?
Somewhere out there right now…There is a very, very large company that needs my help. Why? They are stuck; and the process they’ve been...
Is It Getting Hot In Here...Or, Is It Just Me?
What creates Heat? Well, from a business perspective…Friction. And, where does Friction come from? Having two different ends (a plus and...
For 1% of the 1%: Life on the Extra Mile...
I’ve been studying human motivation, behavior and fulfillment inside and out for 35 years now. And, since I’m a Business Consultant as...
The Only Bottom Line That Exists.
100% of what you need to get the job done right, almost every time – will always produce very close to 100% or more of what you wanted to...
Savoring...Your Just Dessert!
Before you get in touch with any consultant, you only need to answer one question: So, how are you going to know for sure that I’ve got...
Where Do All Good Ideas Come From?
This is my 75th blog article and I wanted to let you in on a secret to how I write here. I usually start off – by writing a journal to...