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How to Create More Profits in Your Business...Without Stress.

Out of all of the articles I have written so far, this one will be the most serious and the most liberating at the same time. I can promise you by the end of it however, the energy that’s released will allow you to create even more for yourself but in a new way – without stress. So, let’s dive right into it.

In life and in business, there are only two ways to get what you really want:

Through hard work, struggle, doubt, compromise, and a process that creates unintended negative consequences that affect other parts of your business, which ultimately pulls energy and joy out of your realized goal.

Through careful planning, a steady pace, confidence, cooperation, and a process that is enjoyable, which doesn’t take energy out of the places in your business that need it; producing not only the goal realized, but a much stronger bond between all of the working parts of your company.

If you had the opportunity to choose one of these methods to reach your goal, which one would it be? Before you make your final decision however, let’s explore these two options in a bit more detail...

The first and most often used approach means a lot of struggle, a lot of output, and an aggressive “take no prisoners” attitude towards getting what you want. Believe it or not, this attitude is just as alive and well today, as it was when we first arrived here many, many thousands of years ago. Back then, whatever we chose to have was a real struggle, as there were so many conditions that needed to happen on the outside, for our goal to take place. In today’s modern age where those survival mechanisms are still a part of us, we can use them of course, but since then, we’ve developed two things we didn’t have before. That would be the security of the modern day world as far as outside influences go, and the further development of the frontal part of our brain. In a nutshell, this means that we can simply choose the desires we would like to have and move confidently towards them without so much struggle now, because at least 90% of what we need to accomplish our goal is already in place!

Realizing that we are just enlarging our current circle a bit means that we are almost there; especially in business. The buildings, the system, the merchandise, the customers and our employees are already doing the ground work necessary for us to expand. So, even though we’ve already had this much success so far, why would we continue to exert so much energy to move ourselves forward? Because that’s what we needed to do when we first got started. We simply kept the habit up, because it worked at least in the beginning stages of building our business to where it is now. And now that we’re here, no matter what our goals are, we can in fact loosen our grip a bit, and get “there” in a much more pleasurable way.

In physics and biology, the basic rule of energy’s disposition is one that we already use for so many other things. However, we might not realize how we can ease our methods, so that we actually build up more energy than we're exerting to reach our target. Think about it. Aren’t most of the goals that we have for our business tied into the idea of losing the least, while gaining the most? Of course. So now let’s apply the same idea to our goals. Once our goals are clearly defined, and we have a way to get there – then, all we really need to do is just continue moving in that direction, until we arrive. It’s really that simple. So, putting more stress on the goal or the process when it’s already set, not only stresses us out, but it causes us to make many more mistakes along the way. Since that’s counter-productive towards reaching our goal, there's another mind-set that we can embrace and still get there; perhaps, in less time. Okay, so what can we do?

It’s not so much in the doing, as it is in the attitude we have, while we're taking our steps forward. There’s only two ways to do this. Put pressure on every step, which causes a lot of problems along the way, or we can simply take each one of our steps with the ease that confidence gives us, by knowing that our goal is right in front of us, and getting closer.

With a business that’s been very well established, there’s no real reason to "worry" about where you are headed and why, if you’ve already chosen a path. Now, step back and simply move forward in a positive way. In other words – enjoy the steps! (Could you put a name and a face to a person that said this journey needed to be filled with “strife” to get what you really wanted? If the answer to that question is no, then why are most of us still following – that meme? It might sound good in a commercial, but how does this approach feel to you everyday in real life?)

There is another way. A much more enjoyable way, in fact.

Like a person who is just about to cross the finish line that’s up ahead, see what’s in front of you, and simply move towards it. See the ease that this image brings?

This ease can be with you every step of the way, which allows you to not only feel better, but to focus better naturally with much less exertion. A positive attitude causes us to have a much clearer focus; which makes the journey a happier one, giving us a feeling of even more confidence, along the way towards our finish line.

When you set a goal (unless it’s very far out of reach from where you are now, and even then), simply choose it, put a plan into place, smile and take your steps ahead. As far as energy is concerned (and this is my area of expertise), stress always blocks our way forward, and our ability to know what we are doing in the moment, as well as the clarity we need to see the success that’s constantly unfolding, before us.

It might seem difficult at first to let go of the tight grip on something that seems to have worked for so long, but if there is a much easier way to get where you’re going, why not just do that instead? With this approach, I‘m not asking you to change anything, but to relax more into the successful steps that you're already taking to make you current goal a reality.

If the law of attraction works like we think it does, extra positive energy will be there on standby, as negativity and stress are removed from the equation. This will only get you there faster, and the results might even be bigger than you expected, when you arrive!

In essence, my role as a consultant is not to tell you what you should do, but only how and why you might need to go about it, so that your results are guaranteed – without stress, and anything that could potentially block your way forward. After that, once a great plan is in motion, it’s really up to physics and how we work together in a positive cooperative way to see the goal through. The first part (physics) we can’t change, but we can change everything leading up to those intended results. In other words, once we aim and the throw is released, the ball will only go where we place it. The same goes for our goals, as well.

As time goes on and we learn more about ourselves, and how we create goals and reach them, it’s only fitting that we actually work smarter and not harder to get where we’re going. After all of the hard work from years past, we deserve to enjoy the fruits of our labor and the process of getting there in a much easier way now. With all of the knowledge available at our fingertips and with a lot less struggle, we can always enjoy the journey itself, and the destination we have in mind. So, if it’s possible, why not – have both?

Try this more relaxed approach for just one day, in business and in your personal relationships. See what turns out for results, and in how you feel about the process in real-time. You’ll be quite surprised for sure, about how so little effort – in the right place, can actually end-up doing most of the work for you.

In the end, no matter where we are, we all need a solid example of what works so much better, so that we can move forward easily. That’s just progress and evolution in action. Positive results will drive more positive results naturally, without very much effort. That’s momentum and it works all on its own, based upon what we have set in motion. So, let this easier approach to create more profits – without stress, begin with you. The instructions to begin are quite easy to follow:

Take a nice deep breath, see where you want to be in your mind, smile, move forward one step at a time, and repeat till the goal is realized...And enjoy the journey!

Sometimes success really doesn’t have to be any more difficult than that. So, why struggle to achieve the same old results, when you can do so much more now, with ease?

When you really get right down to it, wasn’t that the goal for your business and your life, all along?

I can tell you from studying a bit of physics and a lot of biology, that these ideas are the exact same goals there, too...So you happen to be in very good company.

Most businesses have the money, the time, a system, the goals, and a solid means to them…

Now, I would imagine that you’d like to achieve those same positive results, but in a much easier and more rewarding way, with what you’ve got. If that’s the case, then these ideas will take you – right there. Like anything else, it’s just a matter of putting the things that will work for you, into place. Energy will do the rest as far as results go. Since the beginning of time, that’s at least one thing we can always count on. Our physical results are always created in the same way, but it’s how we get there now that actually matters – to us.

So, think of how well this approach will work for everyone involved with your business, and how your logistics will run that much smoother to achieve your final results. If you need a little guidance distilling this idea into your current system, let me know how I can help you with the process of creating so much more, with less!

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