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Maximum Gains with Nothing Left Out: Floating Five Balls...

In order for any business to grow far beyond where it is right now – no matter how small or big it is…Only one ingredient needs to be added into the mix of what you already have to offer. And so far, even though I’ve written over a billion dollars of sales proposals in the past few years to some of the largest companies in the world…I’ve heard nothing but crickets. So, does this tell me that I’m – off my mark? Not, at all. I’m simply waiting for the person or company that has the most insight – to get in touch with me. This one ingredient alone, could transform every single part of your business, from the ground up – without any negative glitches or snags to operating at 110% capacity, everywhere. And that obviously includes maximizing your profits, as well. But as of right now, even some of the best are stuck behind operating – at only 75% of what they’re capable of. And, I say this with respect, but that's the only reason why – I haven’t got a call, yet. However, once one very big or even small business is “big” enough to take on this mindset, the competition – will still be trailing miles behind you. The idea is actually so simple that if I fully explained it here – you wouldn’t believe it’s possible to do this, and increase your gains everywhere at the same time. So, if anyone was a bit curious as to what I'm doing – or not and why – there you have it...

Selling anyone on an idea they’ve long forgotten about (that only works for growth), isn’t an easy task – and I know this from experience! I know what it looks like to stand still, even with mighty potential for growth right in front of me, just as so many other businesses have. In fact, this alone helps me to know where you are, and even why you’re standing in your current position. But for you, it’s quite different. You’re already much closer to the finish line than I am, because you’re established, and you’ve been doing business for a very long time. But, since I’m starting out – I remember and know – exactly what you’ve forgotten about running your business. And this one missing piece effects every aspect of creating maximum growth in your operation.

And this piece doesn’t take more business training, skills, or even experience to figure it out. The only difference (literally) between me and you is that I have both eyes fully open – to every possibility for growth on the table. Nothing is left out, because I’m trying – to grow, and not hold onto what I have. So, my eyes are only focused on the five specific key parts of any business to see where those gains can be increased. As a quick reminder, those five areas are: Yourself, your customers, your base employees and upper management team, your shareholders, your business partnerships, including your competition. (You could even add the environment as a whole in here too; since it circles all of these areas at once.) This includes both present and future people in these categories, as well. It’s all the same thing to me. Even though it may appear that these areas have different needs, at a foundational operating level, they all need the same thing – and so do you! One rock solid move in only one part of your business – will benefit all of these seemingly “separate” areas, at the same time.

So my idea, as large or small as you think it might be for you (in raw numbers), might come out to roughly 110+ million dollars of extra revenue per year, with no money out of pocket ever…However, it’s the mind-set that generated this idea in the first place, which produced the numbers. If you take this one idea and fully embrace the philosophy behind it – then, those numbers will go from millions to billions. Why? Because this touches all of the aspects of your business that are up and running. Everything is gaining a little boost that it didn’t have before – you embraced this mind-set, and the idea itself.

In reality, this is just an appetizer for a multi-billion dollar business – and I know that. But it’s a very potent and tasty morsel that spreads expansion into every area of your business. And that’s what makes it both unique, and extremely powerful.

If anything, I’m giving you another opportunity – to make more money and increases sales, on the surface. But as you see that this idea is working – you’ll be able to see everything else that was once hidden from you, as far as possibilities go. And that’s why I already know – it’s a winner. Truly good ideas influence so much more than what's on the surface; and not just in the short-term, but for the long run, as well.

With this in place, as those numbers roll in, you’ll have the “proof” you needed to see all along to embrace an idea that was once held in very high esteem – but that got lost to you and so many others, somewhere in time...

So, regardless if you’re: Amazon, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Dollar General, or any one of the businesses I’ve written to so far, or even someone new…My idea works to make you money and increase sales, but it also puts steam back into every part of your business that needs it; so it will run in its fullest capacity. And those limits you once had (in your mind and in your business), simply won’t be there anymore. With those out of the way – the only limit to growth is your imagination. The key here is to release the energy that’s being held onto, so that it has the greatest positive effect – on all of these five areas, at once.

Here's a real life example of how this works to cover more than one area at the same time...

When I was young, my dad was helping me fix my car. It was a good car, and it was in great shape, but it was running a little rough. The very first thing he did (besides checking the oil), was to test the coolant. He pulled out a small, strange contraption that looked like an eye-dropper. After checking the fill-line level, he put a small amount of coolant into this. I watched in amazement, as three of the balls floated to the top. “What are you doing?" I asked. “I’m trying to see how good your coolant is.” “How does it work?” “You see those five balls, in there? When your fluid is in great shape, all five balls will immediately float right to the top. When this happens, and you have enough of it in your car, it will run exactly the way it should; and you'll feel better, because you'll know it’s doing its job.”

In a way, you could say my formula is just like getting a coolant check and flush in your business. With these five key areas being lifted at the same time, everything will run as well as it possibly can. And with that comes an increase in numbers, far beyond my specific idea, too. See? With a little explanation, and a second pair of eyes – an even greater success is never that far away. Sometimes, you have to know exactly what to look for, and why. Then, just like I realized back then, once you remember how this works, everything you decide to do from now on will become crystal clear, as to the positive results you’ll create.

And if one simple idea in the right place, can do all of this for you…Now, how much is it worth?

Everything you’ve always wanted to have in your business from the very beginning, and then – some more!

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