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Getting Back to Being Our Best: Growing Our Business Circle From the Inside Out...Nothing More, and

For this article and especially during this sensitive time for all of us, we’re going to do something quite different…

We’re going to take a look at business (which means our relationships, with money and goods and services involved), from a Sociologist’s perspective. By the end of this article, you’ll see that what we desire to do in our personal lives and in our businesses, involve the very same ideas: We desire to be our best and have the best of what life has to offer us again – especially during this time. We all want to come back from this circumstance – stronger, more prosperous and much happier than ever before.

Over time, we’ve managed to separate these two places in our lives. And just maybe the world’s condition is showing us this, among other things. But how “we” operate and move energy around, happens in the exact same way no matter where we are. Once this is understood, the ability to grow more of everything we desire out of life and from our business, becomes quite easy to accomplish.

So what are the two places that we are always working in-between to make success happen?


(You’ve heard this before, but we’re going to get to the heart of the matter, I promise…)

There are no other options to choose from. In life as big as it is, we only get two options. And that’s actually good; because knowing that we only have two options to choose from, makes life and our business so much simpler to manage. So, let’s explore these two places.

FEAR: The biggest fear a person can have – is losing their current sense of self. This includes who they are, what they know and believe in, what they have, and how they feel.

LOVE: The biggest joy one could ever have – involves expanding and growing their current sense of self. This includes who they are, what they know and believe in, what they have, and how they feel.

Can you see the difference between these two? The first is worried about going lower. The second desires to grow up even higher. They might seem related, but they are actually headed in opposite directions. However, there is a way to accomplish and satisfy both of these ends at the same time, without losing anything that we wanted.

The “space” between these two places (love or fear) only involves two components: What we are doing while we’re alone, and what we are doing with those around us. Like the two options we have, these are the only two places that we are physically located in, at any given time.

So, how do we expand and grow ourselves, our business, and stay true to who we are now at the same time, with other people involved?

The only question everyone truly wants to know – underneath of all that they can see and currently are – is: How can I relate to others without losing who I am and what I have? Or to put it in a more positive way, how can I grow and expand who I am and what I have, with other people involved? The first part asks: Doesn’t relating to other people in a positive way, mean that I will have to change or lose who I am now, in order to do this?

Underneath all we have and wish to become – as far as other people go – this is our only concern. From a Sociological perspective, this IS the biggest question a single person or an entire group of people could ask. Doesn’t it really get to the heart of the matter, as far as what we are going to lose or gain?

So, the answer to this all-encompassing question after 30+ years of research is 100%: NO. There is no loss to oneself in relating to other people in a positive way.

The only thing that we need to alter (a bit) to grow who we are now into even more, both alone and with others is our attitude. Our attitude is everything because it’s directly where our energy is going on the inside of us when we’re alone; and it’s also where our energy is going on the outside, when we relate to other people. In both places, the energy we have is either going up, or down.

In essence, any “relationship” is just the energy that people are sharing, growing and moving around. That’s THE relationship. And that’s the same thing we’re doing when we’re alone. We are just moving energy – around. This causes our emotions and the situations we are a part of together – to make us feel a certain way. And those emotions are either more positive or negative. That’s all that’s happening in life – above and below – everything that we’re doing. Energy is either creating a positive situation so that we can continue to feel good, or it’s doing the opposite.

So, when two or more people are exchanging or extending positive energy outward, they are NOT losing anything, individually. The energy in the exchange (picture a bubble) is growing what's already there, between us and around us. It’s making each person MORE of who they already are, right now. (If that’s true, then where’s the loss we were worried about?) There simply isn’t any, and in fact – it might be difficult to fully understand this right now, because some people have built there entire lives around this imagined "loss of self" but – there never was a loss of anything “here” to begin with! Yes, that’s right. There isn’t any loss or a change to any person involved in any positive transaction, with another person, place or thing!

Only more of what’s positive – is growing – for each person. Nothing more, and nothing less.

And not knowing this – is what might have caused the situation that we are all in – to begin with. So, can you see how this is relevant to where we all desire to be in life, right now?!


If you need a visual, picture two circles that are right next to each other. This is US.

When we make a positive moment happen between us – the only thing that’s happening is the energy within and around us IS growing larger, which brings us both “up.” When this happens, we both feel a boost in energy, within ourselves. This is because energy is traveling back and forth between us. As it does, it gathers and grows even more energy at the same time. If an interaction is positive between people, it will cause them to feel better in the instant that it happens. Our emotions are felt in very close to real-time, so the lift is immediate. And since we're both gaining something out of this 100%, that’s the reason why it feels really good to be “here.” We instinctively know what it’s doing – for both of us. That's fulfillment from every possible angle: from the inside out and from the outside in, individually, and for us together.

Example Two:

Remember the last time you had a very positive moment with someone…Did anyone lose anything – there? Nope.

There is no fundamental change to who we are, at all. Energy only grows what’s already there, into something more – than what it is right now. That’s the emotional part of it.

In business, we are simply adding in logistics that work to do two things...To keep our emotional energy up, so that we can perform our tasks better, and happily. This causes everyone to have more positive feelings about what they're doing, and to have more success, which naturally makes the bottom line grow at the same time. This is just one line of energy that moves and forms a circle. It goes out, and comes right back to us – that’s the circle. Every movement and transaction follows this path of positive energy, and that’s exactly what’s returned to you…In emotions, in logistics running smooth, in dedicated employees and in repeat customers, which all adds up – in financial profits.

Can you see the complete circle now – for exactly what it is, and what it could be in your business? If you noticed, there isn’t a loss of anything here. It’s only growing everything that’s currently present in your business circle – into something more.

If you have enough resources in place to make a single transaction occur (happily for real) between one customer and employee, then you’ve got the winning recipe for continued growth and success – as long as you keep what’s needed, in place.

Remember how William Blake saw Infinity in a single grain of sand?

When you know how just one successful business transaction is happening in your business happily – from each person’s perspective, and you know what each person needs to keep that energy up and moving, then you completely know – what’s necessary to successfully run your business. Not just for now, but in the long-term.

But just like Blake did to completely understand his circle of sand, you also have to ask: What each part of your business needs – to continue to do their part, happily. Once you do this, the answer on what to do next becomes crystal clear, and your plan will be completely solid from top to bottom. That’s what Blake was able to see: How everything is working together to create – exactly what’s now in your hands.

From here you can see your financial rewards...And, all that it took from everyone to get them to you.

That's your Infinite grain of sand.

Now imagine positive energy circulating between thousands of people in your business everyday – between employees and customers, alike. What will happen – to your business? It will only become bigger than it is right now…Because the energy in the circle of your business will be growing larger, and so will everything in it – including your bottom line.

Do you need another visual?

Put as many plus signs as you can into a drawn circle.

Is your business growing or shrinking – from all of those positives, added-in?

It’s only growing in every way, including financially…But why?

Because everything is going out, and coming back into the exact same place: Your business.

So, there was never a need to worry about putting anything that’s good or needed for your customers and employees into that circle…Because all of that – was only adding up to what you see at the end of the day – in your hands.

That’s THE deepest secret of any business, and of your fulfillment in it.

And my formula for increased growth, sales and happiness follows these examples to the letter.

What happens in your circle is exactly what you will have – no more, and no less. That’s literally all there is to it. That’s as deep as you can go. That’s bedrock, and that’s the ultimate and only algorithm for you to figure out. Your gain at the top – is only the Sum Total of Everything Positive that’s happening inside of your business, between your customers and your employees – day in and day out.

Now – it’s your choice is to add to that circle, or to take away from it. That’s the secret recipe behind your results. What you put into it – and are happy to do that for everyone involved (including you) is what makes leaps and bounds in growth – show up. Hold back on doing this hoping you’ll discover more somehow (and there is no somehow) and the winning “recipe” falls apart for everyone, including you, every time.

This is how our positive and successful life relationships work, as well. The happiness and success we create was always for both of us – without having to skimp or shortchange – one side or the other. We simply never had to make that choice.

At the end of any positive encounter between each person or a group of people, everyone feels better about what they’re doing, and your bottom line keeps growing from the inside out, and from the outside in. That’s all that was ever happening – here.

If you only want to grow everything emotionally, logistically and financially…There is no other way to do it quicker, easier, and with more enjoyment – than with this method.

Are there any questions?

I already know there are at least a few. However, my only role is to turn those doubts into positive certainty. And positive actions will always remove any lingering doubts, remember? So, what are you waiting for?

I look forward to hearing what the desire to grow more has to say, and what those doubts have to say, about it. It’s about time to remove any negative blocks, so that you can actually have more of what you wanted. And yes, the whole process can be very enjoyable for both of us in case you were wondering…If not, then what’s the point?

The only question I have for you is: If there is a way to get from here – to where you really wanted to be easily and happily, would you fully want to know about how it works?

Not sure yet?

Then bring your passion to succeed, and some of your doubts about it. We all have both sides within us, but which one is going to lead your way – forward?

That’s the only thing that separates you – from where you really wanted to be.

Who knows, maybe the answer will make perfect sense to you right away, so that you can begin to move you and your business forward, without those blocks in the way…What do you think?

Could one question and answer really clear up everything that could possibly be in the way?

I might not know everything there is to know about life or business (and beware of anyone who claims that), but I do know how it looks, on both sides of the equation. I’ve been here myself many times and in many different ways, just like we all have…But I always remembered exactly what brought me to each one of these places – in life and in business.

Nothing more, and nothing less.

Do you want to know more perhaps? Then, simply get in touch.

That’s all you have to do to get back to being and having the best of what life has to offer...

Nothing more, and nothing less.

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