One for the Road...

In wrapping up the past 30 articles, I thought it might be fitting to explain at a much deeper level, why giving your business exactly what it needs to run at full capacity – will do for you, and everyone involved in your business. And again, a slight word of caution – as I’m chopping at the very root – of what’s holding everyone back. And I do mean everyone. Even the richest, most powerful and influential people in the world could benefit from this information, and that’s exactly why I’m sharing it. You never know who might read this, and everyone is always in the process of refinement. Yes – even the richest among us, right now. The Universe is unlimited in what it can create – in abundance, and in what’s possible. If it can create a space filled with objects that are far beyond what we can measure or even comprehend, then – what can it do for us, down here?
You’re about to discover a little more than what you originally thought was possible. And that’s why to some, these ideas might seem unbelievable. But – look at all we’ve been able to do so far, collectively and individually. 100 years ago or even a few short months ago, what’s here once seemed impossible, and now – it’s with us. So, that’s the thread I’ll be following, as well as a belief about creating as much happiness and fulfillment, as possible. So, are you ready for – one for the road?
The only part of success and fulfillment that’s holding even the richest among us back – is the idea that someone or something has to lose something good – so that you, or someone else could have more of it. The idea might have worked 100, 000 years ago, when our mind was very limited in what it could understand about the world and reality, but even the most successful people today are still dragging this very “limited” view of how riches and abundance are created – into the present. And that’s the only thing that’s causing pain, suffering, poor conditions, a poor economy, stress, illness, and even a lack of greater gains in the business world.
Everyone is trying to hold on – for dear life – to what they have. When all along, life has given us so much more than we could have ever imagined, a short time ago. So, where does this fear really come from? It’s not in the losing of something good. Why? It's already present, there with you! The fear specifically comes from the idea, that in order to gain the most – it has to be taken from somewhere or someone, so that you could have it. In other words, we’ve been under the assumption that this is the only way – more abundance can be created. (Who said that? You’ll only find a solid answer to a question that's based on a truth, as far as how the Universe operates. So, don’t waste time looking for an answer. You won’t find it. No one ever said that, and it was only an assumption based on a very limited view of what’s here, and how it works. Ok? So, shall we continue?)
Since the Universe is unlimited, operating under a premise that anything needs to "lose" sets all of us up for worry – about what could happen next. That’s what causes fear. The proof you needed to see – that you could have whatever you want, was given to you when you made your first million, or even billion. No matter how much you dream of having, it always shows up somehow – right? So, the idea of creating "more" isn’t really an issue here, at all. And, it never was.
It’s not even in the taking from someone else that causes the root problem, even though it’s very destructive in so many ways to both sides. It’s the negative or lack – that's put right into the mix of what you’ve got that’s good – that destroys your ability to create more, and enjoy it.
Taking from someone else or allowing them not to have something for themselves, assumes – there’s not enough to go around. If the Universe is truly unlimited – which it is – it would never put a negative in one place to give more of anything to somewhere else! Get it now? It would simply just give you what you wanted – without any delay or destruction, along the way. This would actually be using up the energy it needs – to create what you wanted. And as far as creation is concerned, that would be very counter-productive. It would be using up even more energy than what’s needed – to get where it’s going. So, creating a positive condition and efficiency by default, are all part of the same movement. Since energy is unlimited, it doesn’t need to waste anything or hold onto it, either. And that’s just logistically and financially speaking. Now, let’s move into our emotions. We’re getting to the heart of all things here, so hang on. It works the same way, with the fulfillment of what we have now, as well.
If energy, enjoyment, and our ability to create as much as possible (including wealth) is unlimited, it means that the “in and out" sides of our heart (which is where we feel satisfaction and fulfillment) don't have a limit – to one side or the other, either. See the direct correlation now? In other words, when we hold onto the energy we have – instead of using both sides of our heart, we cut off half of what’s possible for us to grow, have, and even – feel. And the only reason we’ve been doing that, follows the same reason why we’re trying to hold onto – what we have now, as well. (See how those actions both inside and out, are following the same pattern and premise?)
The mystery of life, our hearts, and our energy is how it all combines together. How does a heart, which is only so big – carry within it, an unlimited amount of energy? It defies logic and anatomy as we currently know it. That something so small, could feel and experience so much. It works this way with atoms, too. How can splitting something so small, create so much destruction? Doesn’t add-up, right? And how could an entire Universe literally unfold from something smaller than a pinhead? Doesn’t make sense, right? So, even with these two examples that seem far out, you can get an idea of what I’m trying to convey. The Universe is much more unlimited, than we can possibly imagine. So, the idea of lack really doesn't exist. It's nothing more, than another possibility. And, we are actually the ones giving life to that "idea" instead of embracing and appreciating all that's possible...Which, in turn, creates fear! Any idea that's smaller than what can actually be created here, creates fear. So...
Both sides of our heart were made to do the most we can for ourselves, and as much as possible for others when it's needed, necessary, or desired. Even the richest man 100 years from now, needed the collaboration of many more than just him or her to create that scenario. In fact, physical matter itself was only created through combining and co-operation. So, even the idea that someone is somehow "separate" from their surroundings, literally doesn't hold up to the physical reality of what's here, and how it was created.
When our energy, our positive feelings, and what we can create here – is unlimited, it means exactly that: Unlimited. It never runs out. So, there’s nothing – that we need to hold onto! What you have is already yours. And what you'll have the future is yours, too. If it wasn't meant to be yours, or it couldn't be created somehow, you wouldn't have it in the first place!
Why does it work this way with our hearts, specifically? Our heart is located inside of us, correct? Ok. All of the positive feelings we will ever feel are on the inside of us too, right? So, this means regardless if you’re doing something good for you – someone else, or both, it all comes and goes back – to the very same place, within you. You’re extending energy, money or resources out; but amazingly, those positive feelings never leave – you. And since this is true no matter which way you frame it, this means that everything else works this way, too.
You can have as much as you desire for yourself. And you can only do that to the best of your ability, by creating positive conditions for others at the same time. This activates your energy to its highest level of power. The great divide between the have and have nots – was an illusion that we needed to follow in the beginning; before we knew exactly – how all of this energy was working together to create more. When you release some of what you have, regardless if that's energy, money, or anything else, it's like turning on a faucet. When you turn the handle, more comes out. When you close it, less comes out. Easy enough, right? But, we're not specifically talking about what you have, we're talking about the energy of the Universe itself! It copies, exactly what we're doing down here. When we hold on, it holds back. It stops the flow of even more coming to us. When we extend or release it, we put the power of Universal energy into motion, so that even more can flow to us. And together, we're always in control of that movement, and what comes out. And that's why holding back doesn't create more of anything. It simply holds what you have now, in its place. There might be a little natural fluctuation up or down, but that's it. That's as far as energy will go for you, as far as growth is concerned. When we release more into what's around us (including our business), not only are we always in the middle of those positive conditions, but we're also releasing any doubts we have about success at the same time, because we're putting energy to work. We're simply putting ourselves and energy into motion to create even more of it, and what we wanted to see. If it helps to have a visual, picture a circle. What we put into that only makes it grow bigger for us. And life's energy is our Universal supplier. So, we'll always have more to put into that circle, and get out of it. Does that make perfect sense now, as to how this complete cycle of growth is working? And if that's true, this means we can be just as happy for what we're going to get, as well as what will happen for everyone else, too. The combined positive benefits are just a multiplier of how good we can feel, about the entire process of what's happening here.
So, does this mean that everyone will have everything, and everyone will be on the same level? Of course not! There will always be different levels of money and happiness, depending on what some people choose to have. There will always be a range that’s very wide, just like it is now. But happiness, abundance, and fulfillment – doesn’t require someone to have less of it, so that you can have more. Energy is always influencing each other. The pool of what’s here – is what we’re all standing in the middle of. If the world’s energy and its condition are so-so, that’s what’s being absorbed directly into our own body. Why? We’re always standing right in the middle – of the world, that’s all around us. This is a physic-al fact. It's science. It's already been proven. Our atoms are directly connected to everything else that's here. And so, even when it appears that something is good for someone else, you're also the direct beneficiary of the energy that's being created. In essence, that energy is coming right back to you. So, when you put it out there, it's directly creating the conditions you wanted to see, and that's your return, but with interest.
This is the only condition that the Universe created, so that in one way or another, we would always choose – only the best. And when we do, we gain the most, and so doesn’t what’s around us, too. It’s not under any assumptions of having it – just this way, or that. Anything that’s unlimited, wouldn’t only choose here, or there. It has an unlimited amount of options to choose from. And that’s why the idea of lack or holding back, never creates complete satisfaction. In essence, the idea of it takes away – from what the Universe is really capable of doing, and the same goes for us, as well.
Energy just keeps moving, expanding, influencing what's around it, and then it creates the conditions we desire and the positive feelings that go along with it. Energy just wants to keep taking us on a pleasant enjoyable ride, where we’re always getting closer to something even greater; and that’s why we have almost unlimited desires, too. But it only asks us to appreciate all that we've been given and to use it wisely, so that energy and what we've created can keep on working for us. And that’s it. So, we can enjoy what we have now, even as we’re heading towards something more. It’s not just – one condition, or the other. See that now? It’s never came down to having – only this much of something good, but not that. The idea alone, divides our enjoyment and our power, and it waters it down. Then, we have to work much harder to make something work out for us in a positive way! That’s the struggle. And it never feels good, no matter how much you have, or what you’re trying to create.
A few – who’ve chosen to be at the top of a certain category, will always be a part of life’s equation. We are on our own individual track for success. So, does this mean that the top is a more special place to be in? For some personally perhaps, but the Universe doesn’t look at this in the same way we do. It’s just a point – on the complete circle of what’s possible. And of course, you can be more, experience more, and have more. But, as far as energy is concerned, it’s all the same thing. It only matters to us – in how we feel about what we have, and what we’re doing with it. That’s the only thing that registers as far as feelings go. Success may appear objective on the outside, but how we feel about it on the inside – is a little different for everyone. And, that’s our choice. We are always choosing how much we would like to have, how to use it, and how happy we're going to be with it...
So, although I’m countering 100, 000 years of a negative and limited mind-set here…So, what? What's the big deal? I mean…Anything's possible, right?
I’m only taking what’s very close to perfection, and moving it up a few notches.
So, writing about how the best alive can have even more is really no big deal, at all. The idea isn't “unbelievable” to me. I’ve already witnessed just a sliver of what’s possible here. And, it’s amazing isn’t it? Even if the entire world was “saved” from the false ideas that are destroying it, and everything was literally working out well everywhere, I’d still just be right here – doing my thing. Seeing what's half-empty and working to fill it up even more is important of course, but it's really not that hard to do...
My role is to enjoy life as much as possible, and to experience that. And to share how that works, so you can do the same thing in your own life, in the way that you choose. It doesn’t matter if you have billions, or just a few dollars. I’d like you to have as much as possible, but the dollar amount isn’t a requirement to show you how happiness is created. Just the fact that I'm sharing something that will help you to have the most enjoyment in your heart and in your life, is perfectly fine with me. I’m working on enjoying my own life, just as you are in yours...
So regardless of what we have, we’re all on the same path. Some of us are a little closer to where we want to be, and that’s it. And my gathering of happiness over here, doesn’t ever take away – from what you’re building in your own life. If anything, the more enjoyment I can create here – where I am, the more energy I’ll have to share – with you. And that was the whole point, all along.
Positive energy in any location, only adds to what’s possible somewhere else. And, I’m far from the only example of this idea. If you look closely, you’ll see this wherever you are. Life was made to sustain every part of it – including you; no matter how much you desire, or choose to have. It can actually do that! Its calculator has many more numbers on it, than any computer we could design. And that’s the way it was supposed to be, so that we could create whatever we wanted – down here!
So take whatever small notions you might have had to get where you are, and try on a new one that might make you even happier. You’ve got nothing to lose. You can always go back to the same mind-set you used to have, anyway. When the Universe is unlimited, it means – you’re unlimited in what you can have, and do for positive reasons, as well…All while you’re trying to build up, even more for yourself. It never ends. The ability for the expansion of energy and what can be created on this planet is truly endless – as long as it’s good for what’s around you, too. That was the only requirement, since everything is connected here.
A negative put into the mix of anything you’re trying to build up – only creates the opposite of what you’re looking for. And that’s the only reason why it never takes you as far as you’d really like to go – emotionally, financially, or otherwise.
The positive feelings you’re trying to build up, never leave you – and they aren’t going anywhere. Hopefully, you realize that now. So, this gives you the complete freedom to do as much as you want – for everything...Without losing your own happiness or what you wanted to create for yourself. That’s unlimited creative power.
In the end, that’s what you were looking for underneath of that wealth, and influence. The money is good for sure, because it creates a lot of possibilities. But underneath of it, you we’re always looking for a way that you could be limitless, with what – you can do. So, if anything, my idea just helps that along, doesn’t it? The destruction of anything is not a requirement to have more of something you wanted. And on the scale of what’s possible here, that method is only about halfway up, the ladder of creation...
So, take a little of what you have now, and extend it out – past yourself, and see how you feel. That’s the only way any of us will ever know – if something is true. If you can have all that you’ve got, even with trying to hold onto it – imagine how much more can be created and felt by you, when the worry or the negatives are completely removed from that equation.
That’s exactly where I’m trying to take you. But the step into that kind of unlimited possibility, needs to be taken by you – right where you are. And, you wanted to grow as much as possible, right? So, here is your opportunity to do that! Reading about it is only the first mental step. We are the only ones who can take the physical steps required to get us – from here to there. And, rightly so. If anyone else took the step for us, we wouldn’t feel and have the complete power and ability, that’s always available to us.
If you can achieve being at almost the highest peak in the world, with the idea that something might get lost or there's not enough, imagine how far up you could go – without ever needing to worry about that, at all. This is just the next step for you, and it might seem far away, but it's only a step. And that's not difficult at all, considering how many steps you've taken to get here, so far...
A fear or worry about losing anything, including what you have or your happiness, only chips away at what you’ve got. Your happiness and abundance aren't going anywhere – but up, if that's what you desire. But in order for that to happen and for you to see it – you have to release some of what you have, for even more of it to grow. Energy is always moving in and out. Even when it creates the grandest thing you could ever imagine. It doesn’t stop, and hold its place. It creates, and then keeps on going. Just like the Universe did – for you. And this isn’t a ploy to take anything away from what you have. I’m simply mirroring the exact motions the Universe used – to give you what you have, right now. It needed to release all of the energy that it took to give you – what you wanted. To accomplish this, it needed to know it could, and that it had more than enough to make it possible. And since you’re already where you wanted to be, this means it only said "yes" to that request many times before, correct?
Then, simply start acting just like the Universe does, especially now that you've made it here. And – you'll have it all!