What was Business Like...Before the Split?

Somewhere out there right now…There is a very, very large company that needs my help. Why? They are stuck; and the process they’ve been using for a long time – is no longer working. This isn’t a judgment; so – you can forget about facing the hurt feelings and the frustration. You’re already there; and so aren’t I.
Let me explain a little more to you, so you’ll understand that I feel, the same as you do…
Everyone wants their life and their business to keep on producing more positive emotions, and more profits in just about every way, possible. Even if you’re in a much lower position in a company – you still want to feel the same way. The check – might not be as big; but the emotional pay-off after a good day at work for all of us – are the same, internally. And, to make it easier to understand this, we can simply call these very positive feelings – energy. When you’ve had a good day – you have more energy, right? When you’ve sold more than you thought you would – you have more too, correct? How have your energy levels been, lately? The numbers might look alright…But it’s taking a lot more energy out of you – to do the same work?
It’s happening to me, and a lot of people I know – every single day. In fact – this energy “drain” is responsible for more fights, tension, stress, depression, health problems – you name it. I completely understand. This is the very (hard) direction that the world is going in, right now…
So, like my mom used to say when I was very young, ”If everyone’s going off a cliff – are you going to follow them?” I didn’t understand what she meant back then; but I certainly do now. And, the saddest part about it for me…Is that we could have been growing a mountain higher, instead of going right over it.
If this is happening to you in your company…Then – we need to talk. I’ve spent 35+ years studying the same math equation: The one that allows you to keep building, and one that’s going to take what you’ve built – right down to the studs.
For a quick recent example, a very, very large Supermarket is starting to close stores down; because they can’t afford to keep them – open. Could you have ever imagined that a multi-billion $ company, would have to start closing shop; because they “can’t afford” to keep them open, anymore? Even if you look at how much they are going to be saving….It’s still not as much, as they were going to gain, otherwise. The initial “save” is plus; but what comes right after that – is a loss, a repeated loss, and a big one at that.
So, without sounding like I’m above all this, because I’m living in the middle of it too, like you are...Just maybe now is the right time (before it starts happening where you are) to really take a good look at why this is happening. When you’re going to be charging someone $7 for a loaf of bread that will last a family three or four days…Where did they think – the money to keep on buying that…Was going to come from?
They didn’t. And, that’s the point.
If you’re going to be managing billions of dollars and more…You can’t do that with only one eye open – looking directly at the finish line.
Years ago, businesses got to where they are now; because they realized the whole process – to get to the end goal, over and over again – needed to be just as important, if not more so – to reach it.
So, let’s close this short article with a bread analogy, and it works perfectly for the financial piece, as well.
If you want to sell the most loafs and end up making the most money…You’re going to have to do two things that brilliant people used to know how to do: You’re going to make close to the best damn bread that anyone’s ever had, and you’re going to sell it for a price that only a fool would say “no” to. That’s how you run right over the competition; that’s how you stay in business…And, that’s how you make more money, than anyone else.
Short-term thinking will sell a few loafs, and then put you directly in the hole; and it will take even more money to dig yourself out of it. Long-term, with desiring the most money, but also extending the best product you can, at a great price (Honda, Toyota or Coca-Cola comes to mind) will simply take you there, over and over, again.
To me, the saddest part about it is that gravy train could have kept chugging into a beautiful horizon, if it only maintained a safe and predictable speed, which could have kept everything under control, without stress, or even – having to work, or think much about it.
There is no way to easy money; but money can come very easy – when you’re the one that’s in control of yourself and your business. Then, almost everything runs like clockwork: No loss of time, or joy – on either side of the counter…Just productivity all the way through the process with a smile, and an even bigger one (for everyone) at the end of the day.
If you want to get back to the way it was in the good old days – before we even had to consider closing a store…Get in touch. I understand exactly how you feel, and what got you here. And, it’s quite alright. When you’re making a ton of money and you’ve been doing that for a while, it’s very easy to get carried away…But some are still going to carry themselves right over the cliff, anyway. And, there’s no good reason to follow them. You didn’t come this far and work this hard to see it all go down.
UP…Is exactly where you wanted to keep going.
Let’s make sure together – from the ground up…That you’re heading back in the right direction.
It won’t take as long as you think, and it won’t be that expensive. There are only three major parts of your business to think about, that add-up to only one math equation. And, if you put them in the right order and they’re all accounted for…You’re going to turn that train around in almost no time, at all.
There are many who are going to read this article, and say to themselves….What does he know? We’re the ones with billions of dollars…And, on that point about how much money I have compared to them, they’re right! But…I haven’t closed any stores yet, and I’ve worked for 70 companies, so far. However in my time…I’ve seen quite a few come and go for the exact same mistake. And, you know what? I’m still right here.
And, those people that didn’t quite want to hear what I had to say around 13 years ago?
Well, wouldn’t you know it…They’re all out of bread.
Funny how life works sometimes, right?
Let’s keep your loaf and everything else, exactly where it belongs.
Open…Simply means – you’ll have more opportunities for growth – not less.
Stay Fresh.