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The Point of It All: How Happy Do You Really Want to Be?

If you’re brand new to my blog or you’ve read some of my articles, you’ll notice that they involve business (of course) in some way. But, outside of this format, almost no one knows it, but I’m a budding physicist and my outside suggestions on how to run your business, all come right back to you – where you are – on the inside. At the end of the day, no matter how it went; from wonderful to horrible…We do everything in business to produce a desired result…And, beyond the numbers what’s that?

How we feel about: ALL OF IT...And, that's it.

Every ounce of desire, input, late nights, overcoming big challenges and breaking through our biggest obstacles (even if it takes years for some of us) all boil down to one question: Is It Worth It?

This is the question I’m answering in my own life on a day-to-day basis, and I know you are, as well. It’s at the heart of everything you do or want to do. Sometimes we “pay” in one way or another: Emotionally, logistically, and financially – more than we bargained for, and sometimes we hit it – just right. The effort and the pay-off match up and whatever energy we put into our endeavors was completely worth the asking price.

My biggest goal on the planet (not just for business but for most people in general) is to help them plot a course to the highest place that's possible for them. And, even with unexpected twists and turns, if we navigate the path well enough and plan ahead…Most likely, we’re going to end up very close, exactly, or even beyond where we wanted to be – inside and out.

While there have been hundreds of thousands of literal pages written on logistics and how they work; at the end of the day, or even a lifetime…It really comes down to: If you can have or accomplish ______, would it be worth it to you? And, how happy are you going to be once you arrive? And, maybe to wrap this up…How long – do we get to stay in a place where we feel fantastic about it? See, the last question is THE one to answer.

So, rather than making a mountain out of answering this and going around the oak tree several times; if it’s in your heart to really want to do something that’s extremely important to you…I want to see that happen for you. Why? Being on the other side of seeing someone’s most important goal happen is half of the reason why we’re here in the first place! 

Every sport or activity that we can imagine or witness, has a desired goal at the end of it. And, there’s almost nothing more exciting than seeing that ball land, just where we wanted it to go. It’s the same with us, too. And, in the traditional business world we focus on tasks, directives, pieces moved, and in what time-frame, etc…But, if we’re doing all of this – to have some of the greatest moments of our lives; I think to feel all that we wanted about them, perhaps we should talk a lot more about what all of those moves added-up – really mean to us. If we're spending most of our lives hidden behind a computer or traveling the world out in front of the pack, I think how we feel IS the driving force that takes us all, far beyond where we are, right now.

Since I study biology, logistics, numbers (and heart-science) which is exactly where our feelings occur to us, I’m able to do the math a bit quicker than most; because underneath of those big numbers or moves, I’m looking at where they are headed; not just in your business and for how long – but how that trajectory is going to land – with you; now and later on.

That initial burst of energy and inspiration from you, might be traveling through a lot of employees and customers first; before those gathered results come back onto your table…But that’s where my end focus is…    

It doesn’t matter to me where you’ve been, how long you’ve been involved in your current position, how easy or difficult it is, how far away you are from the goal, or how much you’re worth…What’s worth it to you right now and why are the only two questions I’m going to ask. And, maybe – how long would you like to stay: There?

Alright then…Let’s roll up our sleeves and get into this.

It might be a quick and easy simple fix (most complex problems have one root that’s the real issue), or maybe you’ve got a slew of different little issues. It doesn’t matter to me what they are.

What matters at the end of my day and at the end of yours is: How long do we get to be as happy as we can be, about our results? In my book, beyond everything we’re shuffling around on paper and in your business…It all comes down to this, right? Well, that’s where I am; and that’s all I really care about – on both sides of the table. Why?

If you want to go down to the very core of how happiness is produced here (according to the latest scientific research), and not very many people on the planet know this…The heart has two chambers: What’s coming into it, and what’s going out of it. And, for us, when both sides are activated, this is where we feel the most fulfillment, personally...

However, when our energy (read OUR positive feelings) combine from working together: The highest potential for anything good that could possibly happen (including our growth) happens – right there and then, on the spot. This is the Genesis of it all: Chemistry, physics, math, biology, synergy, expansion, a win-win...Call it whatever you want.

Maybe now after 80 articles…You understand completely, why this is so important to both of us. We both desire the same thing for and within ourselves, underneath of it all. How many consultants do you know – who can say this, mean it, understand it, and know just how important this really is to the equation, for everything we’re working to accomplish – personally and professionally?

Not very many?

Well…This is the point – where I begin.

And, I hope after many years of writing, that last sentence did exactly what it needed to do. Whatever is most important to you…I already feel the same way, about it. I know exactly how it feels to stand in that place; and that’s where I want you – to stay.

To me, this is the only point that makes all the difference between being as happy as we possibly can, for as long as possible...Or, settling for much less than we can have in and outside of our business.

This is as far as I can go (here) to let you know: Who I am, what I can do, what I stand for, and why.

Since this is my last blog article for this endeavor, anyway...I'll leave you with a direct way to have the most you possibly can...How?

Only a few people will respond to this invitation, and I understand why. Since only a select few have access to this website (on purpose) what to do next is easy: Meet me in person or on a video call. I'll tell you exactly how I landed on my Trillion dollar sales formula for free. No pitches, no catches, and nothing left out for later...

You'll take the philosophy that created this for me; and you run with it in your business. See how well it works for everything you wanted to do. If what I share works well enough to take you to your highest peak; it's mission accomplished. If you need a little more "hands-on direction" after working with it, then we can come up with a plan that works for both of us.

95% of people are afraid to know 100% of how their profits and their joy are being created, inside and out...For no reason, at all.

You were made to look into the Universal Mirror that's producing all of your gains, so you'll never have to go backwards. This point is where physics, emotions and our profits meet. And, I'll show you the very simple math on paper, so that there will be no misunderstanding, about it. In math, you can only get a wrong or a right answer, when it comes down to what you want. There is no in-between.

So, would you rather keep chasing gains, or be standing right in the middle of them from now on?

When you answer this question, the next step will be as clear as day, on what to do.

And, when you're ready...I'll Be There For You.

What else can I really say, other than to prove it?

All the Best!

  • Jeff.


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