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A Great Opportunity to Re-Solidify Your Personal and Professional Goals: Extended Free Consulting Se

Each one of us sets our sights on having a much more fulfilling and prosperous year than the one before it. However, with the recent crisis the future for most can feel quite uncertain. So to re-solidify your plans for the future without adding financial worries or concerns, I’m offering a month of business consulting or executive coaching services free of charge to help you get back on your feet, so that you can make a solid plan to come out of the gate strong. Business might start off slow in certain areas as we regain our balance, but I have no doubts that people everywhere are very eager to get back to moving forward. If anything this was a time to rest, regroup, and to figure out exactly where we would like to be and why. So, although we might have had to shift our priorities and our focus for a bit, we can come back from this with a greater purpose, and become even more effective in our mission than ever before.

Originally booking through the end of May 2020, I will be extending free consulting or coaching sessions indefinitely to anyone who has been deeply impacted by the Corona-19 virus pandemic. This offer includes an hour introduction session and 4 (90 minute) sessions to make sure that both you and your business can get back to full steam ahead, once again.

After our introduction session, you’ll have a few days to decide if you feel comfortable and confident about my approach, and we can begin setting up dates for the sessions to follow. I plan on starting these free sessions beginning in the first week of May, but there is time to reserve your spot now. Any unused time slots will remain open, regardless of the exact date. So if you really need free consulting services at this time, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We will fit you into the schedule!

If you run one of the world’s largest companies or you’re a local business with a few employees looking to expand and grow your opportunities, believe it or not, the foundation to increase what you have right now, requires the very same small and manageable steps. It just might involve a few more people in your specific plan, and if so, the financial ratios might be a bit different, but that’s it. If it's executive coaching you're interested in, the framework is the same here, as well. The only difference is that in coaching, your personal goals take the lead focus. You can certainly combine these two services or approaches if you feel it will help you find a greater balance between your personal and professional goals.

However, regardless of which service you choose, taking a step forward at this time will always take a bit of thought, energy, planning and a way to implement your ideas so that they will work – for whatever your specific destination happens to be. This works the same for the goals I have in my life and in my business, too…So, I’m right there with you.

If you decide after our first session that you need more time to solidify your plans, or if you need another consulting approach that might work better for you, at the very least you’re still closer to where you wanted to be. So, there’s no risk here.

After our month of free sessions are complete, if you would like to extend our time together, then you’ll have some options to choose from.

But for now, let’s just take it one step at a time...

Everyone needs a solid plan and a little push to make sure their most important goals will come together, easily and successfully. So without financial concerns or obligations, explore what One Full Circle can do for all of your business and personal goals at this very important time in our world's history.

More than ever before, our highest peaks were always meant to be reached. And I look forward to assisting you in getting back to exactly where you've always wanted to be.

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