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A Positive Self-fulfilling Business Invitation...For You.

A quite famous, very successful business consultant who’s worked for some of the world’s largest companies, took a look at a recent blog article, and suggested that I make them shorter, so that businesses could get on with their mission. Although time is not money, it does take a little time and energy to make more of it, as well as to learn more about how to increase the positive impact on yourself and the world. So for my latest entry, I’ve taken some of his advice – I promise to get straight to the point.

No matter who or where you are, what’s to follow below is how energy is coming together in your business to produce a positive self-fulfilling proposition for you, and the worldly circle that you are always a part of…

Regardless of what you’ve been taught about business in the past, this is the most current and up-to-date information on the planet, right now. (Really? Yes, it is.) In fact, it will take you more time to digest and take in these ideas, than it took to write them down. Which is why my articles are always a bit longer to explain each step to you. But regardless of your current beliefs, here is where we take a step into something that’s much greater for you. And to step up into more than you have now, your beliefs will have to go – right along with it!

Money, growth and positive influence in any business – emotionally, logistically and financially in its maximum capacity, only comes from one direct source: Energy. Science has shown that everything is literally connected in the world by atoms or energy, in general.

So, the greatest impact and growth that one could ever have, will come from someone who influences it – and the people standing right in the middle of it – as much as possible, in a positive way. What do you think will happen for you – if you are the cause of that?

Let's put that idea into where you are, right now…

Picture a circle.

This could represent you, one of your business locations, or the largest group of people that you influence. It’s all the same effect, because for every circle, there is energy and atoms present, here. Everything (including money) comes out of this fabric; as well as every positive effect that’s happening to us. So, what we put into that is what we will have for ourselves and everyone who is influenced by our circle of activity, no matter how large or small it is...We are always right in the middle of those results. Even internally, with how we feel about them. Everything we do, gets stored within us. That was Mother Nature's way of assuring that we'll eventually do what's good for us, so that we can be the direct beneficiary of those results. (I guess she was pretty smart, after all...)

To literally gain the most for yourself – as far as positive results are concerned in every way, what we put into our outer and inner circle is exactly what will show up for us. As a business circle becomes larger and more successful, the trend has been to hold back energy and resources, so that we conserve it to gain more. When this action actually holds back the larger positive outcomes that could be happening for us, instead. When we hold back here, we're holding back ourselves as well, because we are the ones who are making that decision.

Why does it work this way? Because no matter how powerful, influential or successful we are, we are connected to the same energy that’s circulating through us, and our business environment that produces our results. So, we literally, will only have – what we create here. When we want to grow, which is positive, then adding a negative into our equation, only takes away from what we will have in the end. And we were given almost limitless resources and opportunities to create the absolute best conditions for ourselves. Mother Nature doesn't make it a habit to hold back on what's possible, only we do.

Let’s take a dramatic, extremely negative example to show exactly what I mean.

As sad as it is, did you know that when an atomic bomb goes off, all that's happening is a single atom is being split, and that atom tells all of the other atoms it’s surrounded by and connected to – to do the exact same thing? In essence, it says: This is what’s happening now. And it continues to keep causing that same negative effect, until eventually after much damage, the momentum stops. That’s a pretty grim, depressing and dismal example of what we can do with the energy we have to work with. But it was needed to see what's directly happening between one atom and another. It also works this way with people, too. (We're full of atoms, correct?)

So, let’s reverse those effects, and make the outcome a very positive one with the energy we have to use.

Imagine if you put one very positive situation into place in your business. What happens to it? Well, every atom that’s affected (which is all of them) tells the other one right next to it: This is what’s happening now. And so, that one positive cause and effect ripples through every single person in your company, and it travels out into the larger world that you are a part of. As the positive message spreads, it keeps producing positive effects that continue to emotionally influence us, as well as the logistical and financial results that we’ll continue to have, because of that. That's quite a difference, using the same energy, but in a positive way. It effects everything and everyone for the better, including adding to our results, as well.

So, that's why making sure that we have enough or more than enough of what we need, so that everything runs well for everyone involved, will produce the greatest amount of gains possible. Because energy is always moving with us, it carries the exact direct message that we are sending out. If it’s 100% positive for everyone involved, then that’s the return, and then some. If it’s a positive and negative message or circumstance, then that’s the exact return – we'll get. In fact, if something we do contains both messages, then the negatives will keep on multiplying their results, as well. The next example perfectly shows how mixed messages can make us lose what we're trying to build up.

In fact, this exact scenario happened to the richest man in the world a short time ago. I wish I could have been there to review his complete roll-out plan. He could have gained so much more if the roll-out plan was as positive as it could have been, without the negatives that were very close, behind it. (More on that later.)

So our decisions, like energy, are not static. They keep on compounding interest – either positive or negative, or both. It’s as simple as that. And we always have the ability to produce something that will work wonders for us, without the negative drawbacks. In business, we’re actually closer to a much larger positive result, due to the size of the circle that we have to work with.

Before we wrap up this article, let’s picture your business circle again. It only contains four categories of people (or energy) besides you: Your customers, employees, shareholders and the public or world at large – which also fit into the outer ring of your circle of influence…

The same things that were needed in the beginning to grow your business, are the same things that are needed to grow more for you, right now. So, let’s break it down.

Your customers: By offering them the best products at a great price with great service, they will always come back for more – ensuring that your business will always keep on growing…

Your employees: By giving them exactly what they need to do a great job consistently, such as a positive working environment, mutual respect, a great wage and benefits, the right amount of training, and enough people to handle your operations without stress…They can give you, your business, your customers and your shareholders, exactly what they were looking for – without a problem. This always guarantees a much greater return for you, both now and in the future...

Remember that recent business example, above? What would have happened if that extension was only a positive one, and not mixed? It would have yielded twice the amount of money that was lost. It was the worry about losing something (when the initial idea was actually a very solid one for growth) that caused the loss, itself. That's the full power we always have at our disposal. And in all fairness and with very much respect, I think this example alone, could be the most direct cause and effect example that we have in modern business today. It literally only took 24 hours for those negative effects to show up, financially. So, it was a big loss; but thankfully we all have a perfect example to learn from now. And I'm sure that he feels the exact same way about it now, too. While I always hope for great results for everyone, at the very least, we can always learn something positive from our past mistakes, and we'll all continue to make them from time to time. So, we can always learn more from both sides of our results.

And now, back to where you are...

With just two parts of this "needs met" equation fulfilled (your customers and your employees), the public at large, and your current and future shareholders will indeed desire to become a part of your positive circle. People will want to become a part of what you have to offer. They will continue to invest their time, money and energy here, as long as it’s truly good for them and for you, too. So, this positive cycle of growth in business (if these very simple conditions are met), never has to end. This means that you can continue to grow what you have for yourself and everyone else too, without a problem – for as long as you want.

You are always right in the middle of the positive effect that you’re creating for yourself, your business, and for others. It always starts, goes out and comes back to the same place – within you...No matter how far and wide, you take your money, your energy and your ideas. It may positively effect others along the way of course, but it's still coming back to you, no matter what. This is why we can let go of the worry about ourselves, in doing something good for someone else. In the process, we're actually increasing the amount of energy and resources that we'll end up with. So, we can have it all, without having to hold back what we think we need to accomplish this. Especially, when we already have it! And that's exactly why it's there. So, you can make it work you.

That’s the world’s greatest business and energy secret, and it’s not actually a secret, at all. People just aren’t using this universal effect to produce the greatest results that they can have. And that’s the only reason why – it seems so rare. But these results are literally here for everyone to use; to grow into their fullest personal and business potential. So, it’s something that we can always take a step into at any time. The more willing we are to do that, we'll be able to see positive results in our minds for ourselves and others, without a worry or doubt about it. And that's the rock solid conviction we're all looking for, both in and out of business. The first step into this is understanding that the results we seek for ourselves and the results we create for others, never needed to be in conflict with each other to begin with. The Universe and the energy it contains is a lot bigger than us or this planet, so it has more than enough "juice" to create results, wherever we want to see them for everyone, without a problem.

And, as a matter of fact, the better people are doing outside of you, their positive energy is also directly effecting you, and your business circle, as well. So, the positive effects that can be created everywhere and on everyone here (including you) are staggering. For some, almost to the point of disbelief; that we’ve always had the ability to influence so much, and still gain the most for ourselves at the same time. That’s the only part about this that the world has had a problem understanding, so far.

The truth is everyone is adding energy to everyone else's cause, regardless of how much is in it for them, by default. Everything is connected here for a very good reason. So that we don't have to do everything ourselves. If we really tried to do that completely in life or in our business, we'd never make it out alive!

The positive effects that we can create together and what we can have as a result of that – are just about limitless. Since energy is always in motion, it just keeps on gathering and producing even more for us, once it’s put into motion in a positive way. That’s just how energy works. And you don’t have to be a physicist or a scientist to comprehend that. Energy and its results have always worked this way, and it will only continue to do so, as long as we work with it. Like everything else, it's here for us to work with it.

And now that you know how this complete business cycle of energy is working again for you and everyone involved, will you hold back energy hoping to get more, or will you put into your circle exactly what it needs now, so that the results you wanted to see – are never in doubt?

Ironically, if you are one of the world’s largest companies, you already have way more than enough of everything to make sure that this circle of energy and growth, can keep moving itself and you, forward. In almost every case, this will cost far less than you think it would to continue to make those results happen. As you go along in this way, it becomes easier and easier to create the results you wanted to have. Almost to the point that energy ends-up doing most of the work for you; once what’s needed is put into place. (For further exploration, look into zero-point energy and how that idea works. Since we’re a direct part of energy, we can work this way, too.)

We’re looking to make everything produce the most positive gains, with the least amount of energy needed to accomplish that end. In fact, our own biology desires to do this, too. It’s called Homeostasis. The idea works for us and the energy that we're always a part of; so nothing good needs to be left out of the equation. The larger our circle of positive influence, the more we’ll have for ourselves. That’s the way it really works; and we’ve been trying to leave out "what’s needed" to create and gain more. Well, as far as energy is concerned – emotionally, logistically, and financially – that’s a losing proposition. Energy doesn’t conserve itself. It puts in exactly what’s needed to accomplish the task at hand successfully, and then – it can rest assured, with what it's created. The process of energy combining and moving around is already doing most of the work for you, once everyone has exactly what they need to keep on producing the results you wanted to have. Skimping just to "save" something along the way to what's actually needed, simply isn't a necessary requirement.

So, now that everything else is already in place, will you be willing to put a little more into your circle, so that you can gain the most, from it? There is only one circle of energy here. We only get out of that circle what we put into it. And it takes very little from us to produce some quite amazing and mind-blowing results in our business, consistently.

And since we already have more than enough, and will only continue to get back even more, what are you waiting for? A direct invitation into creating more, and knowing more about how that works, perhaps?

Well, consider this article, these ideas, and my services a direct way into creating some of these positive results: For you, your business, and the world at large. As soon as you put them into place…They begin to work. That’s just how energy works. The results are almost immediate; especially when the energy behind them are positive for everyone involved. (And that always includes you, remember?) With a few of these ideas in place results everywhere will add-up, and they will continue to influence what’s already there and working, as well.

So, besides helping you directly in your business – what more can I say?

Believe it or not, at least with this cycle of energy and how it’s working for you in a very positive way, there isn’t a question about it that I can’t answer. After 32+ years of research and 65 businesses later, experience has shown me more than enough about how this works for everyone, everywhere.

And if you still have some doubts or questions about this idea, then let’s talk…That’s exactly what I’m here for.

If showing you how this works in every possible way and on every level, personally or with the 24 articles I’ve written so far, isn’t enough to convince you; then you’ll simply continue on with the current mixture of positive and negative results you’ve been getting. And that’s all there is to it. So, there’s really no risk here.

But I know that you deserve to have so much more emotionally, logistically, and financially in your business – with nothing held back, or left out. All that I can do now is to extend a very friendly invitation to you, so that you can learn more about how these ideas work for everything you desire to accomplish. So, let me know what I can do to make sure you achieve that end – and nothing less.

If this article has inspired you to put a positive idea into place, I would love to hear about it!

That was the goal, all along. And if that's the case, then this blog has been a success for both us. Regardless of where you decide to go from here...Until we meet in person some day, or even just in a future article perhaps...I wish you the very best!

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