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The Best-Case Scenario: What (Really) Happens...There?

"Whatever Joy We See Outside of Us...Goes Right Back Into Us. This is where our greatest Source of Power is coming from; because that is always returned to us with Interest."
"Whatever Joy We See Outside of Us...Goes Right Back Into Us. This is where our greatest Source of Power is coming from; because that is always returned to us with Interest."

What would happen worldwide if almost everyone was kind to one another…Including – to you, as well?

For some people…This is the scariest question in the world; even beyond the fear of dying.

And, what most people’s biggest fear is…Is not the fear of death, at all. We're alive for longer than we're dead. So, it's the Fear of…Living and being as Happy as you could possibly be: RIGHT HERE AND NOW. No one ever told you what happens to you – there…And, that is what everyone is afraid of. When it comes to an unknown, when you know exactly what you’re dealing with either way…Whatever that is – can be dealt with.

So, let’s get over the fear of – THE Best Case Scenario, so you can see for yourself what will happen.

Sometimes, even our questions about what we are worried about the most are answered in the wrong direction. (Imagine that?!) And, that’s why we’re not getting anywhere even better than where we are, right now. The fear of losing OUR JOY is and was always our deepest concern because that's where our heart is; and it's where we feel those positive emotions, so it's no coincidence. Our heart literally keeps us alive, right? (Does anyone find it interesting to think that how good we feel is directly connected to if we'll literally be here or not?) When you lose a negative, you become more positive and energized, right? So, most of our focus was put onto diminishing a potential problem (fear) instead of steering our ship to where we wanted it to go to begin with. Heading to a place that's good for us, takes us there and it avoids the rocks at the same time. It’s all about efficiency with our time, energy, how we feel, what we produce, and of course, our money, right?

So, what would happen if we “risked” it all (or, at least what our fears were telling us) by being kind to what’s just outside of us?

For those who are wondering about me…I had to get over or look past every fear that everyone else has, including my own…To arrive at this point. I wouldn’t have been able to see or understand it, otherwise. Visions past where we are now – are not “just” handed out. Like the position you have…They are earned; through years of very, very hard work.

So, what’s past all of our BS, then? What would the world (and ours) look like?

This place would become a paradise. Everyone (that means you too) would feel – right at home; wherever they are and wherever they go…Almost all of the time. And, those who do have a ton of money would still have whatever they have now…Some of it would just be used to keep the eternal loop of in’s and out’s going…And, that’s it. Almost everything would be the same about you…You would just feel like you’ve always wanted to about being yourself. And, since other’s around you – will also be sustaining your highest place (in and out) your current position would also be more secure and continuing to grow, not shrink. Those who are on the bottom half will also be continuing to grow, which pushes you straight up, even higher – to where you say you (really) wanted to go. And, that’s all there is to it all of it. One hand helps to wash the other, and everyone ends up in the place they’ve always wanted to be in. Introducing a negative (even for protection up front) just rolls the ball in the opposite direction that you wanted to go in, and it becomes a (negative) self-fulfilling prophecy.


As the weight and sorrow of those who have far less than they need to be happy on the bottom begins to increase and expand…That energy – begins to tug on the higher more comfortable place you’ve built for yourself. (In physics, this is what the weak and strong force is referring to, but we couch it in scientific terms to reduce the sting of it.) The over-riding signal or that which is most dominant here…WILL, in fact pull – everything…Positive or negative – right down with it, just like a black hole does with much bigger matter. Here, however, this force is also known as gravity. And, other than in a few specific cases short-term…This is the only real (not imagined) force that has control over EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. But, when the over-riding signal is a positive one…The same energy magically lifts – the whole world: UP.

And, what happens – there?

Nothing different happens about you or anyone else. We’ll all just feel better about living our individual lives (together) and that’s it. Progress and growth, onward and upward, without too much of an issue, at all. (Is there anyone on planet Earth who actually wants to adopt a very big problem, full-time?)

Why is this positive state of energy so important for growth? It’s math. A plus and a minus – effects it ALL...All of you, all you’re made up of, all that you own, and all that you could be, with everything. When the energy that orchestrates this place underneath of who are all are – is in balance…Everything in and around us (including us) is in THE perfect, optimal position; and that’s it.

Nothing “changes” in the negative ways you’ve imagined, as far as a “loss of self” goes. You become – more of who and what you are. Since the energy around you (and me) is – in fact…Keeping us alive and well, when we try to destroy THAT for our own gain – we will be in the process of losing it all, right there and then. Our positive simply turns itself over…The very fabric that you are made up of – begins to fall apart on every level of who you are. And, this is Pure Science…Not science fiction, fantasy, or religion.

But, when you are happy, and those around you feel the same way in their lives...Billions of people are helping you to hold your high position ON TOP.  

So, if you were afraid of losing what you have, before – don’t be.

There’s no reason to be afraid of any choice or decision. Just understanding how the ripple effects will be coming – right back to you…Is all you needed to consider, for yourself.

And, doing that is…Self-interest, survival, and it’s what thriving is made up of. How do I gain the most and lose – the least. But to get to that point accurately, you have to see the effects as it moves through other people, as that energy gathers more momentum and comes back – with interest. So, are you beginning to see exactly what consideration is really for now? It’s all about you. It just so happens to be about others, too – because we’re all being affected by what’s happening around us, inside and out. No one on planet Earth can escape those energetic consequences. You're always right in the middle of what you've created here, both inside and out. Life made it this way...So, that you could be the sole beneficiary of all the positive choices you make. That's where your real, not imagined power is coming from on the inside. (This is the only unbreakable law that exists.)  

So, you were made to make some very positive choices about who you feel you are and choose to be here. You just didn’t have to put a “negative” right in the middle of the math (on all sides) that you wanted to see add-up – FOR YOU. And, that’s it. (There is no other question or equation more relevant or personal to you.)

And, if you’re currently putting a negative into what you wanted to see become more positive…You can stop doing that right now, too. No one EVER said that you have to look at half of an equation to get exactly what you wanted. And, if someone did say that…They didn’t know what they were talking about. They were ignoring the other (negative) part of those numbers. (Fools die hard and unhappy, as the saying goes…)

When a negative and a positive (mix) in that there is already a bell curve of diminishing returns, right there and waiting for you – in “that” particular equation. You almost always have the power to choose the strongest and most hassle-free signal to be who you are and to reach your goals here. That’s the point of math. This “plus” or minus message – is the only real one we’ve got. IT IS…THE ONLY…BOTTOM LINE.

Now…How high up or down – did you want to go? That’s the question to answer for yourself.

A “GAIN” always means just what it means, as far as a positive is concerned here. And, the same with a negative, too. Ironically, we are THE ONLY ONES who have the ability to choose a winning equation, or not. Everything else here does it naturally, without the full-power of being able to choose that option...

So, if you want to literally reach the tallest peak possible inside and out with what you have and how you feel…Will going down or backwards – take you “there” or not? The answer on ALL of this is self-evident. An actual plus and a minus is all we’re really talking about here. For some, sadly…Even looking right at where their ball is actually going – is too much for them.

You were made to reach your target – whatever that happens to be. And, to aim – you needed both eyes wide open to do it.

Before I go here…Let me ask you one very simple question about what you’ve got…

When you look at your most prized possession…Do you look at it with one eye or two? (I thought having both eyes wide open was a scary prospect?) Oh…Not for the “good” stuff – right?

Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking to you about now.

How do you get there with only one eye open? Having both open – lands you right where you wanted to be almost every single time.

Some very, very influential people have had an eye closed because they are worried about what they MIGHT see with the other one.

Having both eyes open, almost always prevents a fall. And, it allows you take all you have now, and will ever have – Right Into Yourself…Full Stop.

Some of you know exactly what I mean here. Everyone is worried about “falling,” not just you. That’s the bottom line for all of us on the inside. And, it doesn’t have anything to do with money – at all. It’s an immaterial concern. Fear is fear, joy is joy, and money is just what it is.

So, after going all around the world, inside and out…Exploring both options…If you only desire to keep going up…Get in touch.

Some people are extremely gifted on all kinds of different subjects…But, when it comes down to a plus and a minus, long-term…Like I said before…In 35+ years…There hasn’t been a single question or concern about this equation (only) that I couldn’t answer – on any level that we are currently aware of here and on both sides.

If that makes you feel much more confident and secure, than worried, afraid, or uncertain…I’m right here. What else could anyone say, about the only two real choices we have?

You tell me…If I missed anything important here…I’d love to know what that is. If I did miss something positive that I didn’t mention…I know it’s All coming right back to you, anyway…So, that should just about cover it!

Now are you in agreement with that point? If so, that’s all you ever (really) needed to know.

And, for all of those Matrix’s fans out there…Both NEO and Mr. Smith…We’re afraid of being happy here, which is why they were fighting with one another for it to begin with. (I bet they didn’t see that one coming, right?) Sometimes…The Truth is always stranger than fiction.

The biggest, deepest and most profound point about being happy here is…In the end…You didn’t have to “fight” for it, at all.

It was always, right there.

And, maybe now that we know that (at least on paper)…We can get – right to it.

The only power greater than knowing this…Is to Actually Create It Now.

So, Be Happy…That you can get straight to the point that you (really) wanted to arrive at.

That's as high “up” as anyone can possibly go, anywhere…Inside and Out...A man, a woman, a species, a God – you name it.

After over 240 pages of exploration here in this blog…We come home to find...

A simple math equation that just “proves” itself. And, with it...Our Own Worth, as well.                




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