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A Change of Pace: Let's Get Personal...

Since home and work life dove-tail with each other from day-to-day, I thought it would be fitting to tie in some of the positive principles that we use to make our business life a success, and bring them home to where we are with our families and friends, while we are out of work mode.

That way, the success we find and create at work, can be the joy that we have to bring home to those we love. Then, the happiness we find here travels with us back to work, and the cycle just repeats itself, the very next day.

Sometimes, it’s not always easy to remain positive. Life at home and at work can bring us many challenges; even to those of us that know how to manage quite well, most of the time!

And just to let you know, I wasn’t always a self-help, business consultant, or a positive relationships guy. I certainly didn’t come into the world knowing any more about these ideas, than most people do. Just like you, it took years of struggle and many different life experiences to find out what works to make our lives a happy and productive place to be. No matter how much we know or learn, life will always have prepared for us a new challenge or experience, so that we can grow.

Remember when you were first growing up into who you wanted to become? Do you remember all of those "big" questions that successful people told you that you needed to ask, so that you could achieve what you wanted?

Well, this is the same process, but we're applying this directly to the relationship we have with ourselves, and to those that we spend most of our time with. Regardless of how well we are doing with our professional goals, our relationships are the other half of our circle of success, and that's why they are so important to us. (In fact, that's why I offer executive coaching, business consulting or a combination of the two.) Success at work and at home are both necessary for us to feel totally fulfilled and complete. If we can achieve massive success in our business, then we can do the same thing at home and in our relationships, too? It's not that difficult to do, but like anything else, there are certain principles and guidelines that we'll need to follow.

You might have heard many of these ideas before, and they might seem simple, but it’s not in the knowing or understanding of them, where our results will be found. It’s actually putting them to use in the moments we have with ourselves and others – at home and at work, where we can see directly into what these ideas are doing for the happier lives, we hope to find.

So, let’s get a little more personal with how happiness, health, and success become our reality, shall we?

The very first step is our attitude. The second is our attitude with each other. Since happiness comes from having a positive moment alone and with others, then this is our very first step in both places to create the happiness we desire to have.

Our attitude sets up where we are coming from on the inside. And this leads us to where we are going on the outside. When someone is coming from a positive place alone or with someone, they are growing energy within themselves, and in others, as well. This takes us into a positive direction. And with it, this is where we are going together. That’s why our attitude is so important. Like heading out on the road to where you really want to go, your attitude is the first step for the beneficial moves you are about to make. Then, those positive steps will be following – you. Appreciating that you're headed to where you wanted to be now happily, is the best and last part of how feeling good happens; and it’s how happiness continues to stay with us.

If there are any changes that we need to make along the way, we can do that as we go along, but our positive attitude can always remain intact, even as we are making adjustments here and there. And that’s all we’ll need to remember to feel better about where we’re going, both now and in the future…

When we are with each other (and alone), our goal is to always go to someplace positive. Even if we are just resting or relaxing, we are still moving ourselves on the inside, with how we feel. We are the only ones who can make ourselves – feel happiness. It can be shared, and given to us by others, but we are the only ones who can put into life – our share of it. It’s very important to remember that what we choose to do and say with others – is the only time that they have to be happy, too. So, we can make our time together a place where we can both feel good about it, without having to lose anything for ourselves.

What we choose to put our positive attention on in our minds and in the outside world regularly, will only make us and others feel better. This is what we’ll have to bring to the table. The positive moments we make now, are becoming a real part of who we are. And those positive emotions begin to work on us, immediately. The more we choose these positive places both inside and out, the easier it becomes to make happiness a part of our lives, more often. So, start with the easiest places first, so that you can easily see and remember – how that process is working out!

The journey becomes a lot smoother on its own, as we go along in this way. No matter where we are now, there will always be something positive to steer ourselves towards, or to dream about. So, having a goal that’s just ahead of us is always a part of life’s plan. Even when we’re very happy about where we are, there will always be a few other things that we would like to experience. But right now – is the only time that we have to enjoy more of where we are now, and where we would like to be in the future. And those two places are always connected...

The prime goal in life is not to have everything perfect or complete. To be in a positive place more often – is all that we're looking for. If you look around at where you are now, there will always be something to be thankful for, if – you take a little time to look! Once you're aware of what makes you feel good, you can make a little more time for that every day. It doesn’t take long, it’s not hard to do, and it will do wonders for how you feel. Everything that you can see around you, are only places for you to begin to notice – that happiness – is right there and waiting for you to become a part of it.

Anything that we would like to make a little more enjoyable, from here, will come easily and without very much effort, because we’ll be directly in touch with our intuition, and our spirit. When we are in a positive place, it will guide us and give us ideas on how to become happier, even if it's only something small and simple. As we do a little more each day to carry on in this way, life will begin to open up its happier doors to us, without effort…

That’s the happy journey and path of our lives at home, and it’s also the energy that we bring to work. And now is the only time we have to make happiness possible. And what we share with each other along the way is – the story of our lives: Together.

Once and a while, we all need a reminder of how to make happiness possible again. Read this every day for just a week, and see what it does for making your life, at home and at work a much happier place for you – to be yourself!

Without trying to sell anything or to fix something, to land a deal, or anything that we normally think of when we think of doing business together, just like the doors of happiness that will open up for you…

My door to sharing something positive or how to get there is always open.

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