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A Much Happier New Year: Mission Statement for 2023...

One Full Circle Consulting’s 2023 Mission Statement:

Since every year, our lives and our businesses get a fresh-start, this brief summary should give you a very good idea of what I’m working on, and what I can do for your business...As everyone could definitely use a boost, right now!

Now that my first book on how positive relationships work, called "A Place Where We Love To Be" is finally complete and up on Amazon...

My only goal for consulting is to maximize profits and the emotional satisfaction of every part of your business. Those two ends are directly connected to your daily operations. To pull those strings together, we’ll take a look at the 3 biggest parts of your business: You – and your goals for the year, the customers and where they are emotionally and financially, and where the employees are, as well. Together, we’ll take a look at all of the major “pluses and minuses” in each category, and we’ll begin to turn those debits – into credits.

That way, whatever goals you have for the year will be maximized across the board. Most business are still lagging a bit in the employee department (and even in sales) due to the pandemic. So, although financial gains is our BIG finish, we’ll look into the weakest parts of these 3 areas, first. Not for judgement; only assessment. Like triage in healthcare, we’ll give what needs it the most – a push, and we’ll tighten up the other two areas, as we go along. We’ll examine how the strengthens and weaknesses are overlapping; which may be tying up the financial ends – you wanted to have. We’ll start from the ground up – and take it: One transaction at a time. Then, we'll apply what's working here to your business as a whole...What could we use a little less or more of?

Most businesses naturally want to hold onto as much as they can, but at the same time they want to grow and expand, as well. There just needs to be a little more movement, between here and there. I understand how this push and pull works; because the positive movements extended out into the business – are the “chain-reactions” that lead you straight towards your goal. If there’s any hang-up between the customers and employees – that’s most often, where the drag is. This could be coming from outside sources, as well…But when you’ve got exactly what you need in place internally, this cushions what’s happening on the outside as much as possible, so that your business can keep moving forward...

We’ll explore what’s needed to make this happen: People, supplies, the process, and how much money is being allocated in these areas. Are the goals for the upcoming year undefined? How about a solid plan? What about communication? Could we use a little help here between the employees, management, and the top of the tree? Communication is THE pivot point, so that we know what’s working, and what isn’t. This isn’t just for motivation or clarity. Based upon what we see and hear – up and down, with this feedback, we’ll know exactly what adjustments we need to make to reach our destination – and surpass it.

My skill is where these 3 major areas come together to a single point...To produce profits, to have the logistics process working as smooth as possible, and to keep the customers and employees happy, so there are almost no bumps in the road on the way ahead. Because I’m a customer, as well as a consultant, I can see what it looks like from both sides of the counter; and I can act as a bridge between those two places...

I’ve worked for many businesses in entry level and management positions; so I understand where these key points are lining up, and where the disconnections are – from the ground-up. That’s my greatest skill. And, I can apply this to any internal or external "limits" that might be putting a negative – where a plus sign should be.

This...Added to my specific product formula to increase gains for your business – is exactly what I have to offer. And, it's my prime focus for a happier and much more prosperous New Year.

What does your mission "star" on top of the tree, look like for 2023?

Well, let's get it up there!


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