A Very Deep Dive...Into What's Creating Growth.

I made a promise to myself on my last few articles, that I would dive almost as deep as possible into what's happening in your business, so that more profits (and not just with numbers) can be produced. There aren't many people talking about business from this more Applied Analysis approach of what's going on between people, the process, and how growth is actually happening. And, this goes down as small as Physics, right up to Social Science. And, it's all scientifically based; as I'll be coming out with a Scientific Journal article in the next few months. So, let's take a deep dive into growth, shall we? You might have to read this a few times carefully. But if you do, the pieces will start coming together in how all of the steps in your working business process are adding "up," and why...
When you’ve got an inspired idea – the sky’s the limit. The only limit is – everyone needs to be touched in a positive way, by it. Why? Not only is it physics, it’s also our emotions (biology) at work here. If physical reality or gains are coming out of energy – that transformation happens by what’s activated the most in our lives and in our business; both within and around us.
Once our business circle is activated in a positive way…All of the people there are going to gain something positive out of that energy: Employees, Customers, and You! And, this result can’t be manipulated. The intention for it needs to be honest. You have to feel and desire for everyone to benefit from it. That’s literally how miracles – happen. Energy is then made to form – what’s needed to accomplish those ends. The more people who need help and get it – the most will be gained from this in every way possible. It’s just a math equation. So, this really negates the need for just selfishness to grow. (The more your circle grows the more you "get" naturally.) I would say – if you really desire to have everyone feel great and benefit from what you’re doing…You’re going to surpass what you thought was possible. Why? Numbers are only linear. They are a fixed place in time. Results (or how your numbers are being produced) are dynamic. And, what’s fluctuating underneath of your business process? Energy. What keeps it – up? How we use it.
So, when you adopt a process that allows people to work and obtain something in a very positive way from it – that’s what’s creating your financial gains. Those emotions are the "energy" within your literal business circle, underneath of what you physically see all around you. And, the people “there” are simply coming back to what’s making them – feel good. (Inside and outside of your business.) That’s just one of the reasons why more money is often desired; it makes you feel good, right? But underneath of those desires – if the conditions aren’t there to match those positive feelings for everyone, your numbers won’t be as large. The circle of energy you’re dealing with will be smaller. And, what comes out of that for numbers will be smaller, too. (Think of a balloon filled with positives that only add growth, and negatives that let air out. Can you imagine the actual expansion process now?) You can only work with and ride on what’s making those numbers – possible. And, this goes back to our economy. When people are afraid – they contract and hold onto what they have; which slows your profits and the entire economy itself, down.
When people feel great – they spend. Why? They want to increase those positive feelings…Just like it feels good for you to have more money and customers coming – in. See where those two happy ends meet – now? The POS or the point of transaction is where the magic is happening. When everything is running as good as it can (once the conditions are set) the results or the desired effects – naturally come out of that relationship – from both sides of the counter. (Chemistry.) Love or physics is the joining of two bodies (or groups of energy) for the purpose of making something better – together. (That’s how the whole world got here!) And, it’s also how any business idea got started…
An idea, first had to meet – a need or a want of others. It was created or invented to fill-in a specific positive purpose. Underneath of that purpose, the end – was a joy of some kind. And, that’s the Universal Law of Addition and Multiplication. The desire to create more joy – creates the opportunity to do that, and that’s how a “buzz” gets going. It’s the promise of good things – to come. That’s exactly what people are connecting with. They’re buying into happiness. But the idea or the product actually has to work to accomplish that end. That’s what keeps people coming back, and that’s how any business or product grows. Most modern businesses have forgotten what’s driving the numbers – underneath of what’s “on top” for sale. I’m just reminding them of this and how the process of “more” is being created, and how that all comes together.
Then, the economy, businesses, people, and money can begin to flow, again. If the desire is not sincere, the mechanism or the model of your business will begin to fall apart. Why? Energy builds on itself, and what’s there. Those mixed intentions or emotions (read pluses and minuses) will play out in the business: From top to bottom, and back again. (Cause and Effect.) My particular model only aids in our positive relationship to each other; which is directly connected to your logistics process, which leads right to the sale. And then, the winning process repeats itself. That’s exactly why – it works, and keeps on working. Follow the trail of positive energy as it moves from you, to your product, through the employees, and directly to your customer. See the process now, and why having each part "work" in a positive way is helping to create the positive growth outcome you wanted? (So, swing batter...Swing!)
And, when things are working out regularly, WE remember – what we are doing together and why; and in doing so – we “appreciate” what’s there. The intention to put a positive emotion where a negative one is now – creates a brand new possibility, and more money comes out of that energy and desire. This is the energy that’s making and creating ALL good possibilities. And, that’s where my numbers and the ideas I have – come from…To produce more of everything.
There might be a lot of moving parts to a business; but the working philosophy is very simple in how one step or desire leads to the positive outcome we wanted to have. Almost like moving around the bases on a baseball diamond...It’s a straight line of positive energy that’s building momentum, as it moves around – everyone in your business. And, like the wind, it gathers the most momentum, when there's nothing in the way to slow it down.
If that enjoyment is allowed to follow its natural course throughout the working day…That’s how your business grows: Emotionally, Logistically, and Financially at the same time.
Other than helping you to put this enjoyable process into motion in your business right now – there’s nothing more I can say about how growth and enjoyment are coming together for you. And, if you happen to find any of this hard to believe or understand…Simply learn how to make it easy to keep everyone smiling where you are, at work. Stand back…And – watch what happens.
Seeing is believing.