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Beginning the Work on Book 2: A Place Where We Love To Be...At Work!

This is just a quick “hello” and a recent update on my One Full Circle Consulting activities…

I hope everyone especially at this time is adjusting as well as possible under the circumstances and is healthy. If we hang in there and make the best of where we are together, I know we’ll get through this, and come out much stronger and able than ever before…

For the upcoming year, besides refreshing my consulting approach, expanding ideas on my original sales formula and offering free Executive Coaching for a month, I’ve also been busy working on the layout for my 2nd book. The first, “A Place Where We Love To Be” deals with all of our major life relationships, how they work, and how we work with them to create lasting positive results everywhere. If you’re interested, I have a blog article that contains the entire business chapter from the 1st book titled, “Your Business Profits Come Around: Full Circle.”

The 2nd book will specifically look into how our positive relationships work – at work! Here, I’ll explore from each person’s perspective what we need to keep on doing a job well done; so that our business can run smooth and grow profits, while enjoying – the efforts of our hard work!

Below is a look at the Introduction. It’s still unpolished, but I thought it might be interesting for you to see what a "rough-draft" book outline looks like. There is much more to add or change before the final Intro is complete, but most people might not get the opportunity to see a book in its beginning stages. Some writers will layout the chapters first and fill them in, later on. For me, I just start with page one and continue on from there...And there will be many drafts of the book, before it's finally complete...

So, you might not see any “new” blog articles for a little while, but – I’ll still be right here open for business and available if you have any questions, are interested in any one of my consulting services, or if you would like a copy of my most recent sales proposal tailored specifically for your business.

In the meantime, be well, and enjoy the new book’s Introduction. So far, the working title is “A Place Where We Love To Be…At Work!”

The Introduction:

There have been many books written covering the logistical and financial aspects of what running a business entails…But, what about how we feel – for all of our hard work? The world's leading assumption has been that if we happen to be very successful here, we must be happy, right?!

Having as a successful business (as you know) involves quite a bit more than just growing a big bottom line, and having everyone rave about the products and services you offer. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes to sustain and grow where you are, even after you’ve surpassed some of your biggest goals…

The purpose of this book is to have a much greater understanding of how all of your relationships at work – work! In order for any business to become a huge success and stay there, everyone needs to have a much better understanding of what it feels like to be on “the other side” of a business transaction.

Just like any business owner or employee has to understand the needs of the customer to be able to offer something of value, the same goes for us, too. What do we need? Regardless of your position and the specific wins, losses and challenges you might face there, others need to know what your needs are, as well!

For any relationship to be positive and to “work,” each side has to at least understand the basics of what that takes. Even for our “own” well-being, our share of the pie and to feel good, we still have to relate to others (especially in business) to make that happen! So, this idea isn’t just about cheerleading or being positive, while at work. It’s really about how our positive relationships are affecting everything we do, how well we do it, and how that – keeps those sales numbers rolling in…

So, through the eyes of a CEO, Board of Directors, a Regional Manager, a Store Manager, a Base Employee, a Shareholder, an Outside Vendor and a Customer, we'll explore in detail what each of these positions need to not only be able to fulfill their roles successfully – but to be happy about it. No matter what the position is, everyone wants to feel good about who they are, what they’re doing, and how their part is contributing to keep that business wheel moving smoothly ahead. At the end of the day – a positive feeling or emotion – is what’s keeping all of us coming back – for more! (And, more profits are only half of what's making us feel good here, as you'll soon discover.)

Before we move into the second half of the book, which highlights a complete successful sales transaction from everyone’s perspective (from beginning to end), we’ll explore how feeling good and having success at work is directly affecting all of our other relationships. We take all of the energy and the feelings we produce while at work with us, and this is what we have to bring home, and into our community…

Business and life are a continuum of energy, a series of movements, and a feeling that travels with us, from experience to experience. That’s exactly how we live our lives – from one encounter to the next. When we know how to make where “we” are right now – work, everything else will continue to follow “us” in the same positive direction. Together, we – are guiding how our experiences will turn out...So, the joy and success that we’re a part of now, is how we begin to build all of the other positive plans we have for the future – while at work, and outside of it, as well.

And, since our next shared experience together at work is coming right up – shall we make it a positive one?

There's no time like the present to begin...

So, let's get started!


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