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Trick or Treat: How Do You Want Your Business to Grow?

For Halloween…All of us have three things in common: We all like treats of some sort; we all like to be scared (just a little bit) with a smile at the end. And, most of us will look into a mirror, for at least a few seconds. So, in this article, we'll do all of the above. What follows, will be a reflection of where we are. Not where we want to be or have been, but where you and I are coming from – on the inside. That’s what we see when we're looking into a mirror. And, there...We all want to see a growth in how we feel, about what's right there with us. So, how do we accomplish that? (This has nothing to do with your actual reflection in the mirror.) For now, let's imagine the world outside for just a moment...

…Just like a tree that wants to be as big as it could possibly be, in order to grow – it has to let go of its current outline to get even bigger than it is now. (100 Ft. has to give way to 110Ft. tall; which means a small shift inside and out has to happen for growth to occur.) You want to grow larger, but are you a little hesitant at the same time? If that’s what you really want to do, what’s going to happen at 110 Ft. that didn’t happen at 100? Nothing, at all...Except – that you have to nourish what’s there with you now – to make you and your business grow – taller. (To grow before, you really didn’t need to do this. And, that's the point we’re all reaching individually and collectively in the world, right now. When we take a look out there, that's what is being reflected back to us.)

When you’re growing your business, you’re actually growing YOU from the inside out at the same time. You’re letting go of your current limits and beliefs, so that your identity can become – even more, than what it is now. Ok, so that’s enough of the expansive-sounding philosophy…What does THAT look like on the ground in your business?

One physical part of your business (you) can only grow so big; before – it has to start influencing what’s around it in a positive way to grow up, even higher. And, what does that mean? You have to move past your current point in time, what I would call the – I’m comfortable right now zone – for more growth to happen. So, what does that entail? More products, more ideas, more marketing, more goal numbers to reach? (Those will come after this step.) The only bridge that modern businesses haven’t crossed (just yet) in the growth field is: Making sure that your employees have what they need to be "as big and strong” as you wanted them to be – for your business. So far, you've given life to every single part of your tree – but this one. Why, so?

Because somewhere in human history – a very misguided soul – thought it’s “lot” would get smaller…If it gave that very special tree – something it really needed – to grow. (Please read that, once more.) Seems kind of foolish, when you put it all – right out into the open. Hmmm. Give or extend something that’s needed to grow…And grow – MORE. I guess when you put those two ends directly together, it just means you’re facilitating the outcome you really wanted, all along. (Ok, so why didn’t “I” see that I would also be right in the middle of that growth spurt, too?)

Humankind has been trying to get to the root of this miscalculation for 2000 years or 200, 000. Choose your timeline here…There is NO solid, logical or straight answer, as to why. (Someone was just “worried” about what they were going to lose…Instead of being “excited” and looking forward to what positive outcomes were going to happen for them, and their growth.) By putting a finger directly on the problem itself…Like Magic…That initial thought was simply a negative and self-guided form of Misdirection. That thought and the worry behind it – was a Trick. And, that one-eyed view, couldn’t possibly see the entire positive outcome – from both sides of the isle…And, that’s all there is to it!

So, do you want to adopt that same “smaller” narrow-minded, one-eyed view of what you’ve got, or – do you want to grow as BIG, as you possibly can? That’s the only question and reflection that you’ll have to take a look at first – for yourself. When you’ve determined that you want to grow to the maximum height that Mother Nature and Physics will allow...That’s when you need to get in touch with me. Why? Three reasons: I understand exactly what business wants to do. I understand our emotions, and how those are blended into our logistics process, which leads to profits. And, I know – inside and out – what causes us to be afraid of maximum growth. (And, what was that reason, again?)

The idea that we’re going to “lose” something valuable, instead of “gaining” more – by adding to what’s there.

That’s everyone’s deepest fear – about any subject. It all comes from one place. And, that negative outcome by the way – is only ONE of TWO options that are available to you. And, that’s it.

Once you put your finger on everyone's greatest concern…It’s the fear of having “less” of what’s really important, or not being able to sustain and create – more of it. (It’s funny when you look at the biggest worry in the world on paper – it’s not as “big and scary” as it appears to be, right? That was a Trick, too.)

So, let me ask your opinion…If you literally put more "positives" into the circle of your business, would THAT energy grow or shrink – what’s there, right now? A positive – is addition, correct? Addition – means growth? Growth means bigger or more than before, right? (So, what part of “us” forgot – the very method and the numbers or the symbols that we're actually using to measure it? Geez, this framework is really starting to look silly, if you think about it…)

The very math we’re using and following here to try to grow “even bigger” doesn’t add all the way – UP. It never did. All of those pluses and minuses mixed together repeatedly in our business circle are cancelling each other out (of OUR final equation) that we wanted to see – grow larger. (I’m not sure if there are any other words or symbols to use to spell out the initial problem or the solution any clearer…However, if you think you can sum it up, even easier…I’m all ears!)

So, what are you going to do with this math reflection – right now?

Keep mixing up both numbers, hoping they’ll add-up to more…Or, get those negatives – the hell out of your math equation?

In the end folks, we’re just negating – or getting rid of something that’s inhibiting our growth. And, we’re putting something positive back in – that adds-up to more, both now and later on. So, was this idea really…As big and scary – as what we made it out to be? (When you do the math all the way around – it isn’t.)

So, now that you’re seeing clearly enough to notice that adding something positive into any part of your business – is only going to expand what’s there…That point – is where you and I: Connect. And, there aren’t many people who are “hanging out” here – just past where our current limitations are; even for some of the biggest organizations in the world. And, how “big” they are doesn’t really matter…It’s the point-of-view I’m talking about.

In the end, those (math) limitations came from the inside of us all – and not from the outside. And, that “problem” started hundreds of thousands of years ago. So, just leave it – where it is. Let others ride that particular wave, if they want to keep on going back and forth…One step forward, and two steps back. (Hey, some people for quite some time, can have a little fun going in circles.)

However, a few of us…Have someplace – better to go.

So, if you want to come up with some ideas together that will do just that…Find a way to get in touch. That’s about as hard, as it really has to be. And, there will be no arm-twisting or “idea” wrestling. We'll just explore some good options together, until we land on one that we know – is a winner – for every part of your business: From its roots, all the way up to the tallest leaf.

It’s just one positive step – past where you are, right now…And, that's about – it.

To close on a more personal note...For those who are still a bit worried about climbing up higher…When I was a kid, I built a tree-house in my backyard. It was about 12 feet off the ground. I still had plenty of room left to go up a little higher – at least in how far I could actually climb to the top of the tree. You know, even now I can still remember thinking...”The higher I climb, the more I can see, and – the entire view from up here is even better, too.” If you told me that I would be using this as an example on my business website 40 years later…I wouldn’t have believed you – either! And, all of the bridges I'm suggesting that you might need to cross to grow, I've also taken those steps in my own life, so I understand the journey and what you'll encounter when those variables arise.

So far, in all of my calculations…Not being “afraid” of being truly happy here and making it last for myself, as well as others, without a trick – is worth more than a Trillion dollars. In fact, not being afraid to extend myself has generated a business idea that started out as small as 5-12 Million annually, and has grown to 5-7 Trillion dollars of revenue – right out of thin-air; at least – on paper, anyway. And, if my idea didn't really work or add-up, those numbers wouldn’t have kept on growing. (Numbers don’t lie.)

Now just imagine what THAT kind of energy could produce here in real-life – in your business.

It would probably mean “more” than what you’ve got, right now. And, if those numbers work – is that an idea you’d want to put a little stock in? (I hope so.)The best part of this idea and the philosophy that generated it – is that it can’t be manipulated. It works – just the way it is now. Just as it is. No second guessing, no doubts, no stories. It just touches the largest and smallest parts of the energy that’s here and us – and THIS is what comes out of it. That’s it.

It doesn’t have any “ulterior” motives. It just grows what’s here – for good; and that’s all. And, it keeps on doing that. The energy and those numbers – simply keep moving forward. (That would be the Holy Grail of business, right?) It’s always been here for us to tap into. The only requirement (if there is any) is that we just have to take care of it – and appreciate it. (Same Thing.) That’s all it asks to keep our business wheel moving ahead…Just like anything else that’s important to us.

And, if by chance – these words don’t inspire you to grow or to give and receive more of what you’ve got right now or desire to have – that’s quite alright. That’s just where you are, presently. You’ll open the door to more – when you’re ready to do that. For now, it's time to get out of that reflection you've been looking into or thinking about...

And, I'm always right here to talk about how to grow “more of everything” in your business and in your life; when you’re ready to grow – Straight UP: With No Tricks Necessary…

Just Treats!


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