Hitting It Out of the Park: What Happens to Your Business After a Deal is Made?

One of the biggest factors in doing business with someone comes down to asking and answering just one question: Will this idea, plan or deal easily take me closer or further away from the growth, happiness and prosperity that I’m looking for in my business?
That’s what every CEO or Board of Directors is trying to figure out, when they’re thinking about making a decision.
If there are just as many positives to gain from the cost of doing business (or even more), then the answer should be: Yes! If not, then…Well, you know what the answer will probably be.
And, we’re making this decision in every other part of our lives, too. “To be, or not to be.” To be – happy, or not. That’s what every choice we make comes down to...More enjoyment or less? Every action, plan, decision or path we choose to follow is only because we think or know that it will help make us happier in some way. That’s the goal of life and business, too.
While in business there are a lot more logistical steps and decisions that need to take place in the course of running a company, underneath of those moves, we still want the choices we’re making to produce something good – for us, our business, and the people we’re in business to serve. And, what are we serving? Underneath of everything, we’re all in the process of creating more happiness here in one way or another. And – that’s it.
Now, in business we can accomplish this and grow our profits in only one of two ways…
We can do it where happiness and enjoyment are a large part of the process in creating this positive outcome, or we can struggle against the joy we were hoping to discover along the way. We can run our business so that it works; and so more profits and the enjoyment we seek are coming to us as we go along, or we can struggle making that happen. These are the only two conditions we have to choose from in our business…Onward and upward, or not...And an enjoyable trip along the way to our destination, or not.
Many years ago, when the Industrial Revolution first got underway, people had big plans and dreams to make the emerging technology work – so a need could be fulfilled, so many people could be happy about it, and a particular business could keep on creating that positive experience, for as long as possible. Somewhere between here and there – an unknown business person made a choice. And that decision was to sacrifice all of the good they hoped for, dreamt about, and made happen – for just a little more profit, short-term. Even though doing this would put the entire operation that’s actually creating those gains – at risk. When the choice was made (and it was highly unnecessary to sacrifice anything good, because more profits were coming in anyway), that single decision alone – by someone who was just looking for a little more gratification, changed the entire business world – as we know it.
Since then, 90% of businesses have been following the idea of having to choose between – more profits, or giving their business what it needs to thrive – to continue to create them. Say or think whatever you want about this scenario, but that's what we're all up against, right now...Having to choose between one or the other – because of a single person that we never knew, or will ever meet. In the end, this all came down to a poor fellow (who probably had close to it all), but didn't realize in the heat of the moment, that this choice was only going to be taking away their ease and prosperity, much sooner than later.
The entire business world is now caught between those two parameters or limits...That we really want to be unlimited – but that we also can't afford to do what's necessary to make that happen. That's the struggle; between what we really want, and what we somehow believe that we have to hold onto at the same time...Because – what would really happen, if we followed the idea – that there's enough to do what we want? (When that's the point internally we're striving to reach. To feel the ease, and the freedom that knowing this can bring to us. That's what we're after. And, we're actually already – there.)
The only role that I have here – on this planet (in my business anyway) is to remove or reverse that past-imposed limit.
The truth is – especially today, we have more money and resources than we’ve ever had before. In essence if you’re a big company – you’ve already made it…Way past the point of where you need to be worried or (that) concerned about where your next sale is coming from, or even how much.
Companies are so large (and there's nothing wrong with this), that we can collectively literally do – anything we put our minds to, right now. It’s only a shadow of someone else’s past, where we doubt some of our capabilities now, even though we really desire to be – without those limits, at all. We want to have the most, do the most good for as many people as possible – including ourselves, and we want the whole process and experience to be as enjoyable and easy, as possible. And – that’s it.
So, that’s where my sales formula comes in…
What this does is help you remove the block between – having your business run as well as it possibly can – while also bringing in the most profits at the same time. To some, this might sound like an impossible or very difficult task. However, with my idea in place, it shows you directly – how giving a part of your business what it really needs to run well, and to be happy about doing that – will only produce more of everything that’s good for you, and your business – including more money.
This way, you can see for yourself that what we truly desire, and what we're holding back – the means to it – wasn’t ever a choice that we needed to make. And, it’s not a “fault” to be caught up in a belief that almost everyone has adopted over so many years. We simply followed someone else, hoping they were headed in the right direction. And, while that seemed like a good idea (for a little while), in the process, we’ve become attached to those limiting beliefs. We’ve conditioned ourselves to think that we can’t possibly have ease, happiness and more prosperity all at the same time. We can have two maybe; but never all three! Somewhere along the line, something good has to be sacrificed to have something better. One, or the other. That’s the only limiting belief we really have.
However, if you look around, the world is thriving everywhere with more money, more businesses and cutting-edge ideas than we’ve ever had before. And, we’re prospering in ways that were unheard of – even ten years ago. That’s really what we have, what we have to work with – and the world we really live in. When you realize this again, and see your prosperity for what it really is – you can proceed in growing your business even more, but it in a way that doesn’t hurt what you’ve worked so hard to build up. And – that’s it. When we see all that we have and can do here – we can grow in a way where it becomes easy to do business again, and to enjoy – what we’re in the process of creating together. Before the split came about between profits and our enjoyment, we actually had both; and we've been trying to get back there, ever since...
So, the truth is, there's more than enough of everything to produce anything we desire to do here; and knowing that we’ve created far more than a Trillion of dollars of capitol in circulation – only proves that.
Now, with regards to any decision you have in the future of your business – in doing business with me or anyone else, the only question you need to ask to do what’s right for you, your business and your happiness is to simply ask: Is this choice good for prosperity, and my business operations – long-term?
If the answer to that question is yes – then, not only will you have created more prosperity short-term, but you’ve also protected what’s creating those profits down the road, too. This means the boost in dopamine that you were looking for can be there right now, and continue to be with you, as you move into the future. When you make a choice that's right for your business, those growth rings will only be expanding, as momentum can only build up – even more of what's in place...
And, if you keep on making decisions like this, not only will your business continue to grow, but it will grow in such a way where the entire process of giving, and gaining something very positive from that – just keeps on happening – both now and later on. Besides seeing more financial growth, that’s what everyone's looking for out of the work they're doing...For as much freedom as possible to make all of your business and their life goals come true – and to do it in a way, where you can both continue making that happen. Because from here – happiness and prosperity – are directly involved in almost every step of the way forward. That’s the only real difference between where we are now – and there.
The idea of this isn’t wishful thinking; because we’ve all had days where life and our business situations felt this way, and seemed to work this easily, too. Now, we just want to continue to make those positive conditions – happen, and happen much more often. I know, because I’ve been researching the connections between happiness, our relationships, and prosperity for over 30 years now…And, I also want the same things everyone else does! If everyone wants to feel better about life more often, there's a very positive reason for that. We're actually here to help each other create that experience. So, this isn’t just a nice idea, or even a romantic notion. The desire to have both happiness and prosperity, for as long as possible – is the only thing we all hope for.
And, my sales formula came about – because I wanted to make one person’s day a little more enjoyable, at work. That's it. From that one sincere, simple intention – a window of opportunity opened up, and an idea that could generate over a Trillion dollars easily world-wide was born. And, my numbers and how many people this could positively impact – just keeps on growing. So, there…We both have it now: Proof.
Proof that extending ourselves to help make others happy in one way or another – and mean it – is only going to make us happier and even more prosperous, now and later on. Looking back, the idea came together to create more joy and prosperity because those ends are directly connected to each other. If I didn't really care about that person's happiness a Trillion dollar idea would have been lost. And that's the whole point, behind the jump in numbers...
(The poor chap from a long time ago, just forgot that these two ends go together hand-in-hand to create what he was looking for. He just chose one side, instead of having both.)
In fact, the idea of creating happiness – for ourselves and someone else – is what started business in the first place!
I’m just working to connect those two dots again...So that everything's running well and moving forward every day…Where we can be just as happy about what we’re doing today – and where we’re headed tomorrow. In this way, we’re happy and prosperous now – and later on, too. I know that’s what everyone is looking for – especially in business; because we’re all in the business of creating those positive emotions and making those circumstances happen – in our own unique way.
I happen to have a simple, prosperous idea that leads us further into this positive direction. And, by putting it into place, we re-connect to a time and place, where doing business becomes the joy and fulfillment we were looking for, all along – but without having to sacrifice what’s needed – to stay there!
I hope this collection of 40 blog articles, have helped you think more about how to grow and operate your business in a way that’s great for it – and for you. We were made to have it both ways…
Right now, I’m in the process of starting my second book called, “A Place Where We Love To Be…At Work!” In it, I’ll be taking a closer and much simpler look at this entire process: from business idea, to up and running – to closing time. One very good day – in the life of a business that easily works for everyone involved – without having to sacrifice what we want.
If you have any questions, would like to learn more about my consulting practice or sales plan...Just like the ideas in my articles, I’ve designed my sales formula to help you move forward into this direction, and to make the entire process of doing business together, as easy and enjoyable as possible. I want this out of life, and I know that you do, as well. We can both have that experience, again. It's what I'm here to help you create in every step along the way, back to home plate.
I want to thank everyone for spending a little quality time with these articles and the positive ideas they hope to convey. I’ve learned quite a bit in the process of creating them, and I hope you have in reading them, as well.
I would love to hear your take either way, on anything I've written about in my posts...
Until then, what else can I say, except – I look forward to meeting you, and hitting one out of the park – for both of us!
Sincerely, Jeff Sadowski
The Founder of One Full Circle Consulting