How Do My Proposal Numbers Work - Part 2: It's All in the Finish!

So, when you’re selling your product or you’re doing business with someone, what makes any successful relationship – work?
Is it the knowledge you have? Is it your experience? Is it who you know? Is it the price of what you’re selling? Is it the need or desire of the product or service you’re offering?
In a classic business sense, all of these elements are necessary, or you wouldn’t have made it past the front door! But, what about the closing? And, even – long after that?
Regardless if you run one of the world’s largest and most successful businesses, or you’re a sole entrepreneur just starting out…Underneath of any goods or services is the feeling that your clients are left with. In fact, besides the money or the logistics involved, everything is boiling down to this single point.
So, if you’re selling a cup of coffee, you’re building multi-million dollar homes, or even marketing a brand of clothing perhaps…At the core of all of that – is the finish. The taste – the essence of what you’re selling, and how it makes your customers – feel.
It’s a little deep for some, but in one way or another, everyone on this planet wants to be happy. That’s it. And, your offering is going to be a part of what's taking them – there. So, a key to being able to do this consistently comes down the quality of the product and the price, as well as how it’s presented. However, far beyond this is the ability to make your customers keep those feelings going, long after a sale or a deal is complete.
How do I accomplish that?
Underneath of the product or service that I offer (even the ones that are tailor-made for just one business or market), I go far beyond the deal, and I look much further down the road for the business I’m involved with. Since I’m a positive relationship and happiness expert first and a business consultant, the ideas I generate for myself and a particular business – have to last far beyond the initial sale. And, you can easily see that this idea works for any business – from both sides of the counter.
My mission is to generate unique, positive, and easy to implement lucrative ideas for you and your company that will stand the test of time. Not just to produce profits in the short-term, but – for a very long time to come. What’s the secret to making this possible?
Initially, the desire for any great idea has to be sincere for it to last; but it’s also taking a look at the entire process of how that idea is being marketed and presented to your customers. In order to do this, it might help to have a little experience, but conscientiousness alone can help you build the skills that are necessary. A very good question to ask is: What am I looking for – from the people I do business with? Meaning, not just a “financial outcome or opportunity,” but an emotional one. What would I need to be genuinely happy – if I was on the other side of that transaction?
You’ll soon discover that this mindset works during a deal, or with one of your employees who’s handing out a specific product or service; regardless of what it is. This all important element always has to be included in what you’re offering. So, for business, the delivery method – is just as important as “what’s for sale.”
In my case, it’s up to me to bring my experience, my ideas and the understanding of how other people think (your customers and employees) that makes the real difference in what I’m offering. It’s the understanding of how it feels to be on the other side of something – that allows you to be able to accomplish the same happy ending in your business…Not just for a quick sale, but for a long time to come.
At the heart of your greatest idea – emotionally and financially, is how the idea is going to land; with them, their customers and their employees. This makes all the difference in the world. Why? Because it includes everyone who’s going to be responsible for making the desired outcome – happen. To look at this objectively, you have to understand how those people – feel. Not from your perspective – but from theirs. And, you'll need a little understanding of how those feelings or areas are combining and affecting each other...To produce what you wanted to have.
Since everyone’s deepest desire is to be happier, both in life and in business, for themselves and their customers, look to the “finish” of what’s there. As long as you can remember what’s making anyone outside of you feel good – not just for now, but for later on, too…
You can bet your bottom dollar that your idea, the financial gains it will produce, and those positive feelings on both sides of the counter – will be exceeding everyone’s expectations.
At the end of the day…That's exactly what’s keeping – all of us – coming back for more.
It’s All – In the Finish!