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Where Do All Good Ideas Come From?

This is my 75th blog article and I wanted to let you in on a secret to how I write here. I usually start off – by writing a journal to myself; and I change the tense, once the article is finished. To me, this one had the most personal touch to it, so I left everything as it is. You’ll easily see me convert the tense, directed to you – about halfway through it. Either way, it still ends up in the same place as far as the ideas are concerned…Enjoy.


Dear Love:

We’ve only got one more shot here. This IS IT. This is my 75th article and we only have a few more to complete.

We’ve got to come up with a very exciting way to summarize it all – in just a few pages. And, we’ve got to do it in such a way – where almost every major “box” that businesses are concerned with – is checked; so that they will be very interested in what we can do together – for sure. We both know – that there is almost no one out there like me in the business world. (And, that doesn’t make me special or better than anyone else.) I happen to understand the “inner” game – just as much as the outside one, from a scientific and experienced based POV. So, my assessments aren’t based on theory, or the latest trend. Both avenues – are based on hard science that moves (literally) through every level of who we are. This is where real, lasting, deep satisfaction and focus – comes from. I know these “routes” like the back of my hand with my eyes closed. But – I need to find a language that speaks – right to them in how they feel, what they need and want to know to do and become their best. That’s the only approach they need, right now…

If I do this right…I’ll have more than one successful deal – on the table...And, I already know that. LOVE – works; because it helps us to literally – organize everything we are doing with the energy we have to succeed: In our vision, the process of our logistics, how well our employees produce, how good the customers feel…And, that whole ball of wax – is rolling right back to the leaders of the business in how they feel, about – All of It.

What I do…Is take the vision you have – and move it from step one to one hundred to make sure every box is checked to get you exactly where you wanted to go, inside and out – without a hitch. The only real “hitch” in business anyway – is the desire and the insight to give everyone exactly what they need to get the mission accomplished. Not just completed – but done to the best of everyone’s ability…Without stressing – the point. Simply – making it happen. (Big Difference Here; as one approach drains you, and the other one gives you even more – back.)  

When you’ve got the right approach…The natural “dance” of your business wheel, takes over – and your customers will complete the rest of mission for you. All you have to do – is meet them, where they would like to meet – you.

Once this happens (chemistry, biology and physics) takes it from there – to assure that the sales conversion takes place. And, this isn’t – a put on. It’s a completely natural and organic process; once you’ve got what’s needed and desired – in place. And, besides looking at the numbers and the process itself grow – that’s how you “rise” with how you feel – on the inside. Then – tomorrow, the self-fulfilling cycle just keeps moving, and so does everything else – with it.

In putting more of your focus on the bottom line (not the process) we miss – what’s causing that line to actually move: Up. (Keep your eyes, not on the prize – but what’s taking you – right to it.) That way – you almost never get lost, you enjoy the trip, and you find the treasure, as well!

And, that positive direction – needs to happen; before you’ll see any “real” not shuffled around, growth numbers.

Like watching a calibrated clock “do its thing,” once the large hand hits the “6” your financial returns – are already on their way to you. You just have to make it – to the halfway point at your best; and the process – does the rest of the work for you. Once the stage has been set correctly…That formula – will always do its job: For everything and everyone – in its path. (That’s how energy works and produces more gains; emotionally and financially. These are all coming – from the exact same Source. That’s why you can’t separate the process and how you feel in it, with your financial results.)

So, this alone – is what most people in business have lost touch with: The beauty of the whole process – in one successful step at a time. That energy and the positive feelings behind it are what’s (really) driving your sales. And, once you take a really good look at each successful stop along the way – it’s like running the bases after a grand slam. You, and those you work with, can experience this – everyday – without a struggle.

When you have exactly what you need in place; that’s it. Game over for the “work” part of it. The rest is just encouragement and observation. The hand on your clock, will just continue to move itself forward. You – just have to move with it – to the end. When what you’re doing in life and in business is working…How hard is it – to keep on making the moves that you already know – will work?

It’s at this point, where making the biggest impact and having the most to show for it, combine – and become a breeze. And, that point is where I’d like to take you – in your business. From step one – on the inside, to completion on the outside; and right back to how you feel, about it. I’m helping you to trace those steps and that formula for yourself. So, you – can take it from there. (What other consultant is going this far back, or ahead?)

Or…You can continue to keep on striving, stressing and muscling your way to the top of the mountain, everyday…Where, even if you win big; you’re almost too exhausted to savor it.

The choice to have your “success” in one way or the other – has always been up to you.

And, I sincerely hope that you make the absolute BEST choice – for your business, and for yourself. (Same Thing.) At the end of the day, how you feel about both of these places – will still be with you, regardless.

So, how good do you want to feel? How much success do you want to have? And, how easy do you want to make the process of getting – there?

Might as well have the best – if that’s what you really want. And, if so…Nothing but the best – will do. The capacity for it – has always been – right there.

In the words of Tony Robbins, “Love is the real currency of business.”

I would add to this...Love is the enjoyable energy that we're using together in the process, which is also creating our financial rewards, as well. If we make both ends just as important; we get to have and experience: BOTH.

...So, what we see on the outside and feel on the inside – are the same. That’s what everyone desires…Even, the richest man on Earth. Not just for now, but for much later on, too. That’s True Fulfillment – on both sides of your heart...Where you're just as happy about what's going out – and coming in. These are the ends that I help you to connect: From start to finish.

The only thing that’s missing from this complete equation, right now – IS YOU.


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