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Growing Our Numbers - Part 1...How Far Will a Positive Intention Take You - Financially?

Right now – the Economy needs a VERY BIG BOOST.

Since we’re all at a standstill and we’re not moving too far ahead, what can we do about it?

There are many ways to shuffle around the numbers we have to make it appear like we’re gaining some ground. A little more here, take some from over there…And, pretty soon, we’ll realize we’re still in the same place…

So, take a page – right out of my book, on how I came up with a very simple idea to increase the emotional, logistical and financial parts of a business to fix an existing problem and to make that situation work out – even better…

In life and in business, there are only two ways to grow what we have.

We can build on what’s already working well, which will increase and expand what’s there. Or (like I did), we can notice – where a given stress point is – in the process of our business, and we can come up with a solution to alleviate the logistical problem, and the emotional pressure that’s behind it.

When we do this, what’s there works better, and we feel better about it, too. The knot that’s now untied – allows everything we’re doing to work, without snags…So, we can move ahead outside, and feel good internally about the moves we’re making every day, as well…

So, if it’s “fixing” the economy as a whole, or where we are in our business locally, we simply want: the biggest returns financially, we want the process of working to be almost as smooth as clockwork, and we want to feel good about that now – and later on, too. These three elements allow us to know for sure 100%...That what we have and what we’re a part of is working – not just for us personally, but – for everything: Our customers, our employees, our investors…You name it. When something is working well, growth simply happens naturally, with every positive turn of our business wheel…

While you’ll have to read between the lines a bit to see how this directly applies to where you are now, in my case – wanting things to work emotionally and logistically on the ground – produced a way to increase profits and to make logistics work better to the tune of an extra $5-12 Million in profits. Ok, so that idea – was very small, but it created a new opportunity – right?

That’s the idea.

When we sincerely want something to work better from an emotional perspective for others, as well as ourselves…It’s at THAT pivot point – where a new possibility is created. And, if it actually works – the numbers will be right behind it. Why? Since our business is a circle, everything emotionally, logistically and financially that’s happening here – is coming back around to our bottom line, and how we feel – about the whole process of getting there.

To come up with a good idea, forget about the money for just a moment. See – through the eyes of wanting things to work out better for everyone. Every honest question – has a direct answer. And, that’s how solutions and new opportunities – arise…Like Magic. Something new – comes out of what’s already there, and it – presents itself to us.

In my case, through years of looking at just one small and simple idea, in time…I realized that my idea – would actually work for about 40% of ALL businesses in the world.

Now, here’s where the Miracle of such a small and simple idea is:

An honest intention to help one person feel better about where they are, which would have produced a few extra million in profits locally 12 years ago, grew into something that could help the Entire World’s Economy to the tune of about $5-7 Trillion in additional profits over the next 20 years.

How did I get to those numbers?

On average for a single very large business – my idea would produce a gain of about $100M in gross profits, annually. In 10 years, that’s a Billion. Apply this to 1000 very large companies, and that’s a Trillion. Now – extend the same formula out for the next 20 years to ALL of the businesses worldwide who want to participate in the idea…And, it’s well beyond, even those numbers, too…All from an idea – that costs nothing to put into place!

So, never underestimate – the desire to want to help; not just you, but those around you to feel better in your business. Not only will you come up with a way to do that emotionally, but logistically, everything will start to run better, productivity will increase, and the financial aspects…Well, you know what will happen here, too…

Every single business that’s here right now – only got here and grew to where it is, by asking two, very simple questions:

What does the world need more of right now, and how can I – provide: THAT?

When you ask yourself this – sincerely; not only will you find a way to help, but you’ll generate even more money in the process, as well.

So, let me know how I can help – add value – to where you are, right now.


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