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Straight to the Top Without Getting Stuck: Exploring the Shadow Side of Our Business Model...

You might want to sit down for this one. It might sound intimidating at first, but if you can stay with it, you’ll have no problems with getting exactly – where you’ve always wanted to go. Leaving out the potential problems you might face in running your business and why – isn’t giving you the information that you really need – to get there…And, that’s why I’ve put it down here. So that you can finally get past – what hurts – and get right to the good stuff! To get to the very top, you’ll need to know what both sides of running your business looks like. That’s the only way you’ll really be able to know for sure – that you’re headed in the right direction. So, are you ready to do some exploring? Remember, looking at something with your eyes wide-open, allows you to see everything that's there in your circle. Only then, will you be able to know what's really working for you, and what isn't. So, there's no need to worry about taking a closer look; I’ll be right here doing that with you. If you simply observe the path that’s before you (without judgement) you’ll easily be able to avoid any future pitfalls, before you take any real steps ahead…

Here is a picture of the path that I’ve seen through direct experience, not through someone else’s idea about what business looks like; and you’ll see why that is so important for you at the end of this article.

After working for over 65 major companies, most of the businesses I’ve seen are stuck in someone else’s loop or belief system about how their business should work; and they don’t realize it – or want to know about it, sadly. Taking someone else's word for how your business should run puts the power in someone else's hands, and not yours. So, if the crowd is headed in the wrong direction, you'll be going that way, too. And, for what? Following someone else's business model assumes that because they're successful or rich – that they must be doing something right. And they are – at least, partially. But taking a look at what's there in your circle, puts you in the driver's seat to make your own decisions. I might be pointing out a few facts of what I've seen, but this isn't to tell you how to run your company. It's to show you a glimpse of some other people's modeling pitfalls, so that you can identify these patterns in your model. The current trend that I've seen follows the idea that anyone outside of you, has to lose something or suffer for you to have the most for yourself. And, for a little while this less than optimal condition or assumption will be bringing in more money...But not more joy, about it. Let me explain why…

The other side of your intelligence knows exactly – when you’re doing something that’s harmful – even for you, and that’s why this particular model doesn’t work to produce more of what you’re looking for. The feelings about gaining more – we’re supposed to make you feel, even more complete. But, if you’ve noticed lately, no matter how much is coming in – it isn’t working in the way that it should. (Emotionally, it's like trying to fill-up a bucket with a hole in it.) Today, that’s where most businesses and people are. And again, they don’t know it…But they need a much healthier model – not just for other people, but for themselves. Everyone – from their customers, to the employees, to the members of management, and even CEO’s – need a new model that doesn’t weaken the business in any way – including profits, and the joy about them, over time.

The current method is bringing everyone down – instead of up. But, we've got everything else in place, and we only have to lose one big assumption that stands right in the middle of the unlimitedness (or as close as possible to it) that we really wanted to experience. For example, I see everyone “involved in a business” as part of a whole circle – which it is, with many different moving parts that all really need – the same thing. Everyone wants to be happy in their position – or where they are right now, and I mean – everyone. And, there is a very easy way to satisfy the only two ends of your business: You – and everyone else. How?

When each part of your business is satisfied with what’s happening every day – then, the winning formula for growth and enjoyment – can just keep on building up, even higher – with nothing in the way of that forward momentum. Even with mistakes and occasional flaws in place – with this model, there are many more positive interactions and outcomes happening, thousands upon thousands of times a day – and that’s what’s keeping the operations side and the profits side, alive and well – which ends-up creating more joy for everyone. (This means the energy in your business is only expanding and growing, naturally.) We can also call that: Interest. And, since we’re all doing what we’re doing here – for pleasure (even with the money that’s involved) then this model works to strengthen every single part of your business – from the inside out, and from the outside in: Emotionally, logistically and financially.

These parts are all working together to create growth, but not just with money: With time, efficiency, productivity, organization, satisfaction, and with so many positive interactions, the domino effect keeps on encouraging even more of that to continue happening. It’s a healthy cycle. And, even if you just know the basics about physics – it only perpetuates itself…Without very much effort, at all. This means even better results – but with far less energy needed to produce them. And, that’s half of where your enjoyment is coming from. When it’s very easy to succeed – what’s not to like, about the idea? By holding money and resources tightly in place – you’re paying for that in every way possible; instead of having them go to work – for you. And, even if you put the best model in place, some challenges will naturally find their way in; and that’s a part of what keeps this scenario exciting enough – to not get bored, with the success that’s there…

When you see yourself and your profits as somehow separate – from how the business is running, that’s where the trouble begins…Because your business, and how it’s running – IS creating your profits. (That’s two halves of the same circle working together: The process, and your end results.) The love for the “money” part, above everything else – is turning you away – from what’s actually giving it to you. So, this is where half of the joy goes missing from that narrow point of view. I want you to see every part of what's giving something to you. Here, there's no need to be spellbound or lost, by what’s coming in. (But excited, sure!) So, how do we keep both ends going? Simply follow the bouncing ball or the first domino – all the way around, and make sure that every stop along the way has exactly what it needs to easily keep moving forward, and those profits – will, in fact, go straight up. And, that’s all there is to it. It’s math. But, it’s not an equation we’re used to figuring out. Even advanced metric analysts are only measuring the numbers that are present – not the conditions that are taking you directly – to them. Conditions in your business, both positive and negative, eventually turn into hard data or numbers that we can measure. (And, the spaces in between the numbers – is where I live.)

Everything at the starting point of your business circle (point zero) is only leading up to the sale taking place. Which is why, if everything else is in the right place – you'll have no problems with making sales, easily and repeatedly. With leaving everything in a so-so or worse condition, the dynamics everywhere (as well as your profits) are all starting to slide downhill. Then, gravity takes over – and it’s all very hard work just to manage and maintain what’s there. So, you’re doing much more work – to get less out of it. And, that’s exactly what a downward spiral does for everyone involved…What's happening in your circle is affecting everyone's ability to do their part successfully. Those ARE the conditions we're living and working in; and that always influences what we're able to do, because of that environment.

On top of that – if money is the most important thing – then, having so-so work results is also wasting the money that you’re spending, as well. (There are always two sides to how money is being lost and gained.) So, this comes down to people not fully understanding how to manage and see what’s there on both sides – so that nothing is heading in a south-bound direction. Having or producing a lot of money is the very 1st step in getting somewhere – and managing what’s there wisely is the last step. Then, these two ends come together to create even more for you – but not at the expense of something else that’s there. Why? Because the other side – is still directly located in your circle. So, that means a losing proposition for you, since both sides are adding-up to what you see in your bottom line. A really strong formula will always keep what’s there – way above the water line. Any part of your ship going “under” is going to sink – the rest of it. So, keep all hands on deck – far above the water line, and you’ll naturally have what’s best for you, as well.

Who said that you couldn’t do, or have what’s really good – for both sides of your business? Energy and money is either growing or shrinking, depending on what we’re doing with it. They respond directly – to us. If you believe one side has to lose something, and both ends are connected – then, this is a recipe for the gradual shrinking and extinction of your business. (And, I happen to have worked for some who are so close to crossing the line, that there's no turning back.) The person who made the initial decision to think and act this way a very long time ago – must have been a little unsure of him or herself, about what was possible, correct? Which is why they worried and pulled everything over heavily, to one side? If my observation is accurate here...

Then, why is anyone, especially if they’re well-established or wealthy, following a model that doesn’t produce enough – to do exactly what you want? See the shadow that was cast here in that blind assumption? The truth is, if you can make a Million, a Billion, or a Trillion – then, you can make more and do it in a way that doesn’t hurt – anything you have.

So, choose to have both sides work now, and see what happens in how everything is working out – for you.

At one time or another – we did have both. And, someone just forgot that – we always could. And, so didn't we. Why? Who knows, and it really doesn’t matter. It only matters if you’re going to be following someone else’s idea – that will eventually produce even less for you, both now and later on. Your 1st Billion should have proved to you – exactly just how much there really is to be gained and created here. Most likely, you are way past that mark now…So, start thinking like someone who's wealthy – and has already proven that fact, many times over. When you're rich, but poor in knowing exactly how much of a positive influence you can have...To me, nothing could be worse. You wanted what you have to show yourself how much you could really do with it; and that's just one of the reasons why the money is there. Having a ton of something available but being afraid to use it fully, takes away the feelings that having "this much" was supposed to give you. Wealthy means, just that...So, make it work for you. That's exactly why you have it.

This is how life and business can really work everywhere – to continue to produce and gain the most, consistently. The most “self-centered” person, would actually want to pay close attention to where everything is going, if they really cared about joy, and their money. Ironically, when you have everything in the right place, you can go back to enjoying yourself again with what you have, without a worry or concern – about it.

To me – there is no greater outcome than to have your cake – and fully enjoy it, too…And, after all of the hard work to get here, you deserve to have it come easy, both ways. And, that’s exactly where you wanted to be, all along. So, there you have it. I’ve spoken to all of your concerns about the path ahead. There are only two roads to choose from. One will take you where you wanted to go, so the decision isn’t a hard one. And, life made it this way – on purpose. So, that you – could stay on purpose, too.

That’s the whole story of how business is and how it could really work – if we only wanted to choose that option. If money, your business and your happiness are paramount to you, then you should be more than able to take these honest words to heart – if you really want your life and your business to mean the most – to you. And, that’s exactly what I’m here to help you do.

As a consultant, with so much riding on positive, lucrative and lasting results for both of us, I would much rather jolt you with the truth right up front, so that you can get – straight to the good stuff. And, how do I know it’s good? Because these ideas are good for everything that’s involved with your business – especially you. There are no downsides in what I'm saying is easily possible to have. So, that’s how I know – the winning equation – adds-up to even more than you’ve ever had, before. To double check my math, I’ll ask you to do this by answering one simple question for yourself, instead of taking my word for it...

If there are only plus signs at every stop along the way heading straight towards your bottom line – then, what’s missing – where it counts? The entire equation all the way around is simply adding – Up...And, there are no shadows to be found here.


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