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The Last Reveal - Part 2: Having the Most Without Losing It...

Since the world of finance, growth and life's enjoyment is in such a state of flux, and everyone – even the richest among us are worried about where all of that is going, I thought it would be a great idea to write just one more article to address those concerns…

And, before I do that, I have to let you in on a little secret. Everyone has one or two really good ones, right? Well, secrets are not just for hiding something that’s negative. Secrets are also here to reveal what someone might need to know – to go far beyond where they are, right now. Have you ever thought about them in that way? No matter how successful you are – or aim to be, there’s something that you need to know and even do right now, that you're unaware of – at this moment in time…

This means, every new bit of knowledge is going to be giving us something more – than we have, right now. And, that incoming experience is only going to show us two things. Something that works and adds to what you’ve got; or that bit of information is going to decrease what you have. Sounds simple, but that’s really all new information comes down to. Since these two options are all we have to choose from, no matter who we are or what we have, then…I’ll pose a very simple question for you:

What if I told you (or it could be something that someone else knows) that there’s a way for you to have so much more than you do, right now…But – in order for you to “have” that, you have to adopt a new way of looking at what’s there? Meaning – you have to give up the idea you currently have – for a bigger and better one. Or, should I say, one that’s going to give you more – if you adopt it.

What would you do here?

Would you choose to hold on tight to what’s there – including your current thoughts about whatever that is, or would you choose – to trade up? If you’re losing something you’ve had for quite a while to “get” something even better, would it be worth it to you? Would you say – an absolute yes to that? Hmmm. How long is that going to take?

I could reveal this in a few short sentences, and that would take about 45 seconds. But, because you’ve held a specific idea for so long, it might take you much longer than that (maybe never) to embrace it; because you’re not sure yet – if it will work, or not. So, even after all of the evidence and research is 100% – right on…What would it really take for you – to pick up something new?


You simply have to try it out – for yourself. So, then...

You can see.

That’s it.

Trying something new to see if it works better for you, won’t come from reading about it, or even from looking at evidence or proof that it works. Your actual experience – the one that you’re a part of – is the only thing that’s going to give you something more than what you’ve got, right now. And, that’s true for everything you’ve ever had, or will have. So, since everyone IS worried about losing even more of what they’ve got…Let me show you how you can hold onto it and grow more than you’ve had before, without ever having to worry about losing it, again. If I could show you exactly how this works – emotionally and financially – without a single doubt about it…

Would you take it?

Would you hold onto what you have – as it’s slowly disappearing, or would you give up the idea that’s making you lose – to have more?

Which option sounds like the best one for you, for what you have, and your long lasting happiness about it?

If the idea that gives you more back – without the worry about losing it, sounds like the best option, then we need to talk about it. You just needed someone to help you remember which option works better…And, that’s it.

At one time or another, you’ve already experienced both of these ideas for yourself.

So, if you need a little refresher on what’s always worked out better for you…To remove the worry and to start increasing your gains, again…I’ll show you a few simple equations on paper, and you can easily see this for yourself…

And, you’re right back to exactly where you’ve wanted to be.

Sometimes, it’s that simple to lose – what’s making you lose more, or to get right back to what was always there for you – to begin with.


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