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Hitting the Sweet Spot...Are You Delivering Your Message, Consistently?

After being a direct part of 60+ large and small companies and trying to glean the most important information on what makes businesses successful over many years’ time, I can boil all of that data down into a few simple questions…

What are you specifically offering – the world at large? Is that product the best you can make it, or does it offer the value that’s promised? And finally, can you deliver that “message” to the customer in a positive way, consistently?

If you’re a company that’s already established, you’re already so close to the goalpost you’re trying to reach and move past. At the beginning of the day – are you providing a particular service or product (with a smile) that will keep customers coming back – for more of that experience? Underneath of any product that you sell, offer or carry, you are selling the customer a need or a desire that they would like to fulfill, happily…And – that’s it.

Underneath of that stunning product or service that might have taken years to develop, all a customer would really like to know is: Can I count on this ______ just about every time I need or want it? And, will I have a positive experience with that, or not?

Unless you’re breaking some very unique ground, most of what we need or desire to live and to live our lives productively (for the most part) has already been established. You can (of course) improve on something that’s available, or even invent something new; but when that novelty wears off and becomes “commonplace” can you keep on delivering what you have in a positive way, consistently? If you’re already doing that, besides a few small changes to mix it up a bit and keep what you’ve got fresh in people’s minds, 90% of your formula for continued success is already, right there.

Where I see most companies falling short instead of going long is in trying to short change or cut corners to make “more,” when that’s only watering down what you’ve worked so hard on to actually do that for you! There’s no need to water down anything good or great – once you’ve got it. Let nature, and what you've developed, simply take its course.

I don’t often like to use specific companies in my blogs, but in this case, I’ll name a few just for clarification purposes. (And, in no way am I endorsing these specific products or the companies specific methodologies, at all. But the heart of their message and their products are always consistent; which is why they’ve been around for so long, and have been a huge success.)

Three products that come to mind that set a perfect example of this are: Coca-Cola, Reese’s, and Ben and Jerry’s. No matter where you go to buy these products, they have been 100% consistent in their formula, and in what they offer. They might branch out every once and a while to try something new. However – if you happen to love what they've got, it will always be that way…You can count on it! They’ve spent enough time making the best products that they could in their particular way; and stayed true to that formula. Not only (in my opinion) is it the best that they could possibly come up with, as far as taste and consistency are concerned, but if that’s what you like – you’re going to have a very positive experience with it: Every. Single. Time. In fact, that's Elon Musk's philosophy. Look where it got him. (And, I have to say I'm glad I'm following the same philosophy on my own, long before I knew what his was...)

Now, your business you might offer something completely different, but the message is still there. If your product or service goes hand-in-hand with how it’s presented, or how it’s delivered to the customer, then – that’s always where your main focus should be: What you’re selling, and how it’s handed or delivered to the customer...That's when conversion takes place.

Once you’ve mastered these two steps, you can branch out as far as you’d like. But, no matter how far away you travel from where you are now, you’ll still have the winning formula in place that you can always count on delivering.

If you’ve got the perfect product for your business – then, work a bit on how it’s presented. Not just with packaging, etc. (Although a good presentation always makes a difference.) Here, I’m talking about your staff. And, not specifically about their presentation, either. You’ve probably got that area covered to a large degree; and whatever that form is, it’s still packaging anyway…

If your employees have exactly what they need to deliver your message to the customer in a positive way – each and every time, then – the rest of it is really up to you on what to do next, or how far to expand. The best product, with the best delivery system (your employees), and Elon said that, too...And, no matter how far ahead you go, always stay true to delivering your North Star each and every time; and people will always come right back to it – as long as there is a need or want for it, and it makes people happy to have it!

At the end of the day, it’s all about substance – meaning, the positive experience your customers are left with. If you can deliver that message to them (in the way you do it) almost every time – in a way they can count on, then – you’ve already found your pot of gold.

In fact, if you think about it, the best products or services on Earth – sell themselves.


A consistent positive experience is had by almost everyone who decides to cross their threshold.

So, deliver that – and whatever you do that’s unique to you, and you won’t have to do very much else to keep on growing, consistently.

Every market or product – no matter how big or small, will reach its pinnacle in one way or another. However, if you can deliver the goods in the same way that these products do, or have done – then, you’ll probably be close to the very top of your game for a long time to come, without a second thought about it.

Delivering a great product or service in a positive way, no matter what that is – as long as it’s needed or wanted, will always keep you in the sweet spot of where you desire to be. Focus on those two elements above all else, and the rest of it (in time) will naturally take care of itself. With a million or many billions attached to your name or product – always keep it simple and straightforward, when delivering your message. That’s the transmission method that will always reach as many people, as possible. And, in the end, that’s what you really wanted, all along.

So, keep on doing what you’ve been doing well, or get right back to it – and make sure your customers can count on that, consistently.

Your numbers will keep on hitting that sweet spot, and the taste – will speak for itself!



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