Growing Our Numbers - Part 2...Releasing the Sword of Excalibur.
Do you remember the story of Excalibur? Especially, as time moves on, it’s amazing to discover how some of the world’s most popular...
Growing Our Numbers - Part 1...How Far Will a Positive Intention Take You - Financially?
Right now – the Economy needs a VERY BIG BOOST. Since we’re all at a standstill and we’re not moving too far ahead, what can we do about...
Arrival: Success Right Now - And Far Into the Future...
Before we move into my very last blog article, I thought it would be fitting to see what the purpose is – of all of our goals, striving,...
A House That Stands the Test of Time.
I have to admit up front – this is the most difficult article I’ve ever written! How do you summarize 180+ pages of a blog? Since the age...
Reviving the Heart of a Business.
Did you know that I used to be an EMT? It’s not something I share with too many people, but I’ve helped to revive more than a few hearts...
What Determines Our Future: Fate or Is It a Choice?
As much as I’ve been harping on having a Very Happy New Year (and we all want that), there seems to be one important question that needs...
A Much Happier New Year: Mission Statement for 2023...
One Full Circle Consulting’s 2023 Mission Statement: Since every year, our lives and our businesses get a fresh-start, this brief summary...
How My Proposal Numbers Work - Part 3: The Last Word.
If you’ve read my 3 most recent blog posts, I’m sure you’ve been able to see that my philosophy behind any product or service – ensures...
How Do My Proposal Numbers Work - Part 2: It's All in the Finish!
So, when you’re selling your product or you’re doing business with someone, what makes any successful relationship – work? Is it the...
How Do My Proposal Numbers Work?
There's only one reason why my ideas work in just the way that I express them in my proposals...See the Golden Thread, above? The need...